22 October, 2019.

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Today was a pretty decent day.

We didn't really bond at all as compared to Friday but that's okay. It's not something you force down on people.

Tyson had connectivity issues during his Skype call so he borrowed mine for a while. I did try to send my files so that I won't be jobless but the base file was too big to get through -.-

And this just had to happen when we were also getting chucked out of our pre-booked rooms. Now I'm there sitting amongst other people pretending to do something constructive. And they're not just any people. They are the very same people we're technically reporting to.

Great. Just great.

By 6:30PM, almost everyone (atleast on my side of the floor) had gone home. My team was spread out so I was the only one on my side of the office floor. One of the employees (who I had met during my first week here) was about to leave and she ensured that I'm not staying back alone and that my team was around. That's so sweet! It made me feel so good! Especially after listening to Darcy's stories.

I spoke to Office I girl, hereafter named as Ashley, and she told me that they have an Ethnic Day and a Stalls Day lined up this week. Dammit, I want to be there too! Lord knows if anything happens in this office and even if it does, I'm definitely not going to enjoy it as much as I would have in my own office.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now