12 November, 2019.

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My NMAT book was probably happy today.

Yes, ya girl finally opened the damn book and studied something after so many frickin' weeks.

But that was only towards the end of the day.

What did I do for most part of the day then? Went through another fucking round of preparing the file that has seemingly gotten corrupted! This is legit the 3rd time I'm re-starting this work! It's so annoying!

Things went waay faster this time cause I had most of the missing data, including the ones I was waiting on for the last few days.

Just like all the previous days, I hoped to get everything done within a day's time but my laptop on the whole started to lag and I didn't want my hard work to go waste yet again.

It's a highly inconvenient timing but I'll probably have to consult the company's IT team tomorrow.

Or we could just pray that the laptop has had enough rest and it'll work like magic right when I switch it back on tomorrow.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now