6 November, 2019.

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I finally got the guts to tell Tristan not to leave.

But I'm still a coward in the sense that I made it look like I want him to be there just for the work.

This feeling is so fucking confusing. At one time I really want to talk to him and sort of wish he also gives me a liiiitle attention. But the next moment, I'm like there's no way that's ever going to happen so I should leave all hopes altogether. On one hand I know that a relationship is nowhere on the cards (and I'm not sure I even want there to be one) but I would like us to be a little more close. Then again, with the way things are going, absolutely nothing's going to happen. I might even lose contact with him once he leaves.

As I said, this feeling is very confusing.

In another feelings related incident, I spoke to CA1 about CA2 today. Well, most of our conversation was all about his female related stories but the main point of the call was to tell him why I got a little serious with yesterday's teasing at a point.

He gave some advise on how to handle the situation even though there's nothing to handle at the moment. But I guess it's nice to have a male perspective to such situations. I yet have to tell Alex about all this so I'll probably go and do that soon.

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