5 November, 2019.

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Today we had to work from Office L for a change and guess who wasn't complaining?

I got to meet everyone yet again and that's always a nice feeling. Though I didn't get a seat right next to everyone, I spoke to them from time to time the entire day.

Today was the first time I spent an entire working day in my own company's office since I started working on the new project. This got me thinking about how different my life would've been if I had continued working from this office instead of the client's.

Let me go ahead and say that I definitely have more people to talk to/enjoy with in this office. I don't feel alone here. Someone or the other is always ready to accompany me wherever. Socially, this place would be perfect to work in.

However, since we all would be working on different projects that demand different work hour commitments, things wouldn't always be as fun as we would expect it to be.

There's another point which I'll get to in a while. I did have fun today so I'll go on with that.

The company held a carrom tournament today and it was pretty fun to watch it. Tristan and his friends were taking part so I watched their game for a while.

Then I went and had lunch with my department peeps along with CA1. I bought myself some chicken fried rice but good lord I wasn't able to finish it AT ALL. I literally had to beg others to help me finish it. :P But even if people did want to help me, they couldn't because they were all vegetarians. :(

Okay now I'll get back to a grey area of working around these people. I realised that I got carried way too often and worked lesser than I would have had I been at the client's office. Even though I didn't have any urgent deliverables nor was anyone following up with me, I don't think this distraction would be good for the times I do have some important to do. My overall concentration/ motivation towards work might weaken and I wouldn't like that.

I met CA2 during snacks break. He didn't behave too flirty in person but I guess that's because we were in an office environment. Thank God for that. I'm not really sure I should be hanging out with someone I recently sorta rejected but there's seems to be no bad blood between us.

I worked till 8PM and decided to meet CA1 for 10 mins before leaving. While talking to him, we ran into the funny girl and usne jo li hai nah meri. Itna tease kiya ki kya batau. Initially we spoke/joked about random things until she hardcore started shipping me with CA2. It felt like CA2 had paid her to get us together and she's a persistent saleswoman who'll do anything to get her work done.

It was still fun tho. We easily spoke for around 30 mins and laughed A LOT!

Definitely a great way to end my day at Office L.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now