4 November, 2019.

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So here's something interesting that happened today. As usual, Henry and I were the first ones to turn up at office. And he started telling me how he wants me to take Tristan's position once he transitions out of the project (cause if he charges too much time on this project, it'll become a loss making one).

First if all, yes I do feel grateful that he's even considering me for this role. However, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do the job well.

From what I can gather, out of the three of us, I am the one who, as of now, needs the least assistance. But that's because my processes got done very early and after my initial struggle I worked hard to get stuff cleared. If you look at my work-life balance currently, it's a whopping 90% on the work side. I have been doing nothing but work in and out of office.

I don't want it to stay that way. Besides, Henry has always been of the opinion that the sectors I'm given to handle are very small compared to the other two so I have time in hand to do other things. Again, no, I'm able to get my work done on time cause I've been working at home almost every single day.

Also, does he really think that a fresh graduate like me is in a position to do a job of an experienced CA within just a few months of joining the organisation? I guess I've said this before but Tristan has been doing an amazing job handling all of us and I don't even know how he does it! I already get stressed with the work I'm given so this additional work shouldn't tire me out mentally. Cause, to be honest, I can see that happening.

Talking about Tristan, I don't even want to think about him leaving. And some part of this doesn't even involve the work. Yes, I have been my ever terrible self with initiating conversations and that sucks. But I just like him being around. I can't even let him know that. I don't it even think it matters if he knows what I feel because to some extent, this isn't even right.... I don't know.

I want to make the most of howmuchever time he's there with us but... I don't know how to. I'm sure I'm going to regret this later on.🙈

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