10 October, 2019.

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For some reason I cried for a couple of mins on my way to office. But I didn't want dad to notice it.

I reached office and began working on one of the Workings. That took longer than necessary.

Then I continued with the Register that I was working on a couple of days ago. WHY THE FUCK DO THINGS NOT MATCH?! IT'S SO FUCKING STRESSFUL.

Tristan was there to help me again so that's good. But still, I'm supposed to do this on my own. Tristan is not a part of my sector atleast. He's probably going to be there for my call with the Sector V people so hopefully things will be better this time around. I just hope that Sector C dude doesn't pull some shit and take him away.

Most my day went in tallying the first Register so I didn't have time to do the other Register.

I'm running out of time yet again. I came back home and began working right away. I know it's not healthy but dude, I need to do this.

I sent a meme to CA 1 and he didn't take it well. See, I told you I don't know how to talk to guys.

At night, I broke down. I'm still not getting a hang of my work even after spending the most time on it. I'm not liking the way my training's being going on and I don't know how to tell that to Henry. It's because of my behavior that Henry seems to be in a good mood only while talking to the others and not me. I'm not able to engage with my team and joke around with them. I'm not able to maintain contacts with people and am already making a bad impression on some.

My exam dates are coming nearby yet I'm not studying or able to study for it. And then I give studying as an excuse for not being able to meet people.

Red day

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now