17 October, 2019.

3 0 0

Today we had no Henry and no Tristan (for the first half). And if we weren't so lucky, we would've had no room too.

The three of us went to the cafe, had some tea/coffee/breakfast and then found our way back to our room.

I re-performed Register 1 and it tallied. I re-performed Register 2 and got stuck.

Tyson's Skype call with his Medical trainer was interesting and hilarious at parts.

Tristan had come to office by this time and both him and Tyson were on a knowledge transfer call with this female who apparently works at the same organization as my trainer.

They were on loud speaker and kept muting their audio so they could discuss small things amongst themselves. Preston and I, being the reliable collegues that we are, kept mum the entire time.

One of their muting-sessions went on for a big too long and this how the conversation went

Medical Trainer : Hello, aapko samjha?

Tyson : Haan haan samjha

Medical Trainer : Kya samjha bata

Nobody : ......


We all lost it! Completely lost it! Preston and I just couldn't stop laughing! It was THAT hilarious! Even the trainer joined in on our laughter riot and it was great!

I kept giggling waaay after the call got over. It's just something that I do. Once I find some extremely hilarious, I keep thinking about it and then cannot stop laughing, even when the others have long gotten over it. :P

Anyways, it was an early end to the day. As hilarious as it was, I didn't feel that productive.

After coming back home, Alex and I had the Samyang 2x Spicy noodles. Never again.

TXT is finally having a comeback and holy crap I already love their title track just by listening to their teaser.

Their tracklist dropped today and woahhhh I'm excited! They have quite a lot of songs this time and they all sound great!

Weight - 52.5. My stomach's visibly gone in a little and I like it.

An Outlet: Part 8Where stories live. Discover now