Part 105

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"So what do you think I m gonna get... A niece or a nephew?"

Nandini chuckled at Rishab's excitement as before shrugging,

Nandini: Manik keeps on saying that it's going to be a girl, he has this whole thing about pampering his "Princess"... 
Nandini replies laughing softly as she thinks again about all the plans that her dear husband had shared with her about His Baby Girl.

What surprised her was that she was already feeling a little jealous, because she knew it well enough that if she does have a girl, then Manik would not listen to anyone but his princess. The little girl would be spoilt to all bounds and even Nandini would not be able to interfere between the father-daughter duo.

Ashita's voice brings her out of her thoughts as Rishab and her share a peal of laughter,
Ashita: That's so cute...

Rishab: Right... In fact, I can already imagine it. I mean, no matter how tough Jiju is in front of the world, after seeing him with you all these years, I'm so sure he is gonna cross all levels of Love and Care for your daughter.

Nandini: I don't doubt that for a second...
Nandini said shaking her head, with a smile on her face as Rishab passed her a glass of juice which the servant kept in front of them.

Ashita: Love and care is one side, think about how protective he is gonna be of her. 

Nandini sipped her juice slowly just as she felt a soft kiss on her temple, making her smile broaden immediately.

Manik: Thinking about it again, I think a boy would be better right?

Nandini turned towards him in surprise, just as he took a seat on the armrest of her sofa as he shook Rishab's hand.

Nandini: A boy? Seriously? You are saying this?

Manik: Yeah, I mean Ashita is right. My princess would need all the protection, she could get. And who could be better than her father and an elder brother?

Nandini: Oh God!! I'm not having this conversation with you Manik. I can't believe you want a son just so that he could be a bodyguard to your daughter.

Manik: Arey but-

Nandini: No... I don't wanna hear anything about this. Three more weeks and you will automatically get to know if your princess is coming first or if I'm getting a baby Manik.

Rishab: I'm so excited... I can't wait for these 3 weeks to pass.

Manik: Neither can I!
Manik whispered to himself before he turned towards Nandini

Manik: So how was your day? 

Nandini leaned into his side, letting his body warmth surround her as she replied softly.
Nandini: It was fine... I spent most of it chilling in front of the TV, then got some sleep after lunch. How was yours? What happened with that Pune deal?

Manik: My day was as boring as any other. It's work! It goes... But you don't have to think about any of it right now.

Nandini rolled her eyes at his words,
Nandini: Come on... I'm just asking how the deal went, the team has worked very hard for it. And you haven't even let me step into the office for the last 5 weeks.

Manik: It's enough that you worked till your 7th month Nandini... You know I'm right at this Nandini, you need rest for now.

Nandini: Yes I know... Now, you go freshen up and then we can all have dinner together, Mom-Dad have gone out for some Charity event.

Manik: Ok, I'll be back in a few minutes...
Manik said before getting up as he walked towards their room while Nandini asked the servants to prepare the table for all of them.

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