Part 15

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The next few days passed on in a blur preparing for the concert and it was finally The Day.

Mukti: Aliya... Stop it yr!! Its enough. Stop painting my face with this....
Mukti said getting away while Aliya pout at her. Abhi chuckled at it while Dhruv passed Aliya a small smile. She smiled back at him immediately.

Cabir: Wow Mukti.... U know what, u should thank aliya man... She makes us remind that u r a girl!!

Mukti: Yeah.. And nothing u do can make me forget that u r a spineless little jerk.
Mukti snapped back as she picked up her guitar and started tuning its strings tight.

Dhruv too picked up his guitar when Navya entered and asked,
Navya: Ready guys??

Cabir: Absolutely.... We r going to rock and roll!! U just wait...
Cabir said taking her in a side hug.

Navya: I m sure u will... Ohk now stand here...

She said pointing in front of her. Cabir smiled at her and followed her, knowing exactly what was coming next. Navya took out a box from his bag and took out the sweet curd for them. She made cabir have a spoon and kissed his cheek.

Navya: All the best...

Cabir gave her a broad genuine smile after which she walked to Mukti.
She finished with all four of them when she looked around.

Navya: Where is Manik???

All of them looked around when Cabir said,
Cabir: God knows whats so important in his phone that he hasn't left it from past one hour!!
He pointed towards the side of the hall and there he was furious doing something on his phone.

Navya shook her head and called him out,
Navya: Manik!!!! Come here....

He looked back at his phone and then sighed as he walked in stood in front of her. Before even she said anything he opened up his mouth and she smiled making him eat.

And with that he looked back at his phone.

Mukti: Manik... Why r u looking at ur phone like u r going to through it away??
Mukti asked irritated.

Manik: Nothing....

Dhruv: It doesn't look like nothing Manik.... U seem tensed, what is it?? How r u going to perform like this, just let it out.
Dhruv said as they all looked at him.

Manik groaned in frustration and called someone, he waited for sometime for it to be answered but then nothing happened.
Manik: Urgh... Nandini man!!!

All of them shared a knowing look when Cabir  asked,
Cabir: What about her??

Manik: I don't knw, her phone is unreachable.... She should hv been here long back but I don't knw where she is.... Last I know, she was driving back from the site visit for our new project.

Mukti: On a sunday??
Mukti asked confused.

Manik: I know.... I told her that we will go together tmrw but she had to be her stubborn self and went alone today. She wanted to hv a look before she starts designing for it tmrw!!!

Aliya: Chill Manik... She must hv got stuck somewhere!!

Manik: No aliya... Even her phone is out of reach!! The site too was outside Mumbai

Manik said trying her phone again. Cabir was about to say something when the door opened and Nandini entered,

Nandini: Sorry sorry sorry... I knw I m late!!

Nandini said to them breathing heavily due to running. All of them turned to her while Manik rushed forward and immediately grabbed her into a hug.

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