Part 82

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Cabir: Seriously... Don't u two get tired?? Bas bhi karo yaar.

Manik glared at Cabir as the rest of them laughed out loud while Nandini blushed hard.

Mukti: Exactly... I was thinking the same thing, the two of you seem to have a lot of stamina.

Manik: Ohk enough! Bye...
Manik muttered rolling his eyes at his friends as he wrapped his arm around Nandini's waist.

Fab4 laughed again as they waved at the two of them and watched them walk out of the hotel. Manik glanced by his side, smirking at his still blushing wife.
Manik: So? Any chances of checking our stamina limits tonight?

Nandini's eyes broadened as she looked up at him, blushing profusely. She saw his eyes dancing with sheer mischief as a smirk crept on her face.
Nandini: U never know, Maybe! But don't count on it.

Manik stilled at her answer, not actually expecting one from her while nandini bit her lip fighting her giggles and walked ahead of him, moving straight outside with an extra swing in her walk.

Manik stilled at her answer, not actually expecting one from her while nandini bit her lip fighting her giggles and walked ahead of him, moving straight outside with an extra swing in her walk

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Manik shook his head for a second and smiled before following her outside. As soon as he stepped out, he saw Nandini taking up the car key from the valet. He walked next to her and stretched his hand forward for the key only for Nandini to raise her eyes at him and shake her head,
Nandini: It's a surprise... I'll drive.

Manik: Nandini u-

Nandini: I'll drive!
Nandini said again smiling sweetly at him making Manik resign to it as he walked around the car, holding the driver's seat door for her.

Nandini walked around the car, his favorite smiling shining on her face as she got behind the wheel.
Nandini: Why, thank you, Mr. Malhotra!

Manik: My pleasure, Mrs. Malhotra!
Manik replied to her in the same tone closing her door as he walked around the car and got in beside her.

They talked throughout the way, discussing all the happenings of the fan meet, laughing off at the craziness of a few fans. It wasn't long before she slowed down and took a turn, entering through a gate. It was then that Manik finally noticed where they were as his face whipped towards Nandini in a shock.

The atmosphere in the car became tensed within seconds with silence stretching between them as Nandini parked the car. She turned the engine off and turned to face him, her face filled up with determination while Manik didn't even know what to think of it. She had got him at one place that he could not have ever thought of to celebrate his birthday. The one place where he only came to run away from the emptiness of his heart, to deal with the absence of someone whom he loved beyond limits, his Di, his elder sister.

Nandini had got him to the same shabby hotel, where Manik owned one cottage. The one that they stayed in almost 10 months ago in a totally different situation.

Manik: Nandini why are we here?
Manik asked in a small voice, his face blank of any emotions.

Nandini: To celebrate your birthday with your most favorite person in this entire world! Come...
Nandini whispered back to him and got down the car, walking in the front. She stood there right in front of him, witnessing the battle going on in his head as he stared straight at her with indecision until she finally held up her hand towards him, nodding her head ever so slightly.

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