Part 70

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Manik got home that night with Nandini passed out in his arms as Nyonika rushed towards them.
Nyonika: Manik what happened??? Is she fine?

Manik: Nothing mom relax.... She just passed out!

Nyonika caressed Nandini's hair carefully only to get a foul scent of alcohol from her.
Nyonika: Was she drunk??

Manik nodded softly in answer as he walked around Nyonika and started movinv upstairs.

Nyonika: Manik...
Nyonika called him out, making him stop on the stairs. He simply stood there without turning towards her as he waited for her to complete.

Nyonika: Its been about a week.... I know something happened between the two of u, everyone can see it. U r hardly ever home!!

Manik: Mom, I-

Nyonika: Stop running away from ur problems Manik... Every couple faces trouble, u need to face urs and sort them out.
Manik sighed at her words, looking down at Nandini, taking in her sleeping form.

Nyonika: I heard her crying last night in her sleep. I don't know what it means but she kept on repeating one thing, "Its all my fault, I did that! I m sorry".

Manik was shocked at her words as he turned towards her with his eyes wide.
Nyonika: I know u are suffering from whatever this is, but its not just u alone. She is suffering too, I haven't seen her smile the entire week. Sort this out son...

Manik: I wish I could Mom!! I wish I could... Can u do me a favour?

Nyonika: Anything!

Manik: Don't tell her that I got her home. I m sure she hardly remembers anything, just make some story.
Manik asked her slowly. Nyonika gave a disapproving look to him before shaking her head in defeat as she walked off to her room.

Nandini exclaimed holding her head as she walked down the stairs next morning. She walked straight into the kitchen and filled up a glass of water, before taking out 2 pills for her banging headache.

Nyonika: Leave that....Here, take this!
She heard Nyonika's voice from her side as she forwarded a glass of lemon water for her.

Nandini didn't dare to look up at her as she took the glass from her and jumped up sitting on the counter. She took a few sips from the drink as Nyonika said.

Nyonika: U rn't supposed to mix ur meds up with any painkillers...

Nandini sighed at it before keeping the glass down as she sighed, and looked up.
Nandini: I m sorry Mom... I m really very sorry! I wasn't planning on this, I just wanted to go out for sometime but then i don't know what got into me. I know I was wrong, I m sorry!

Nyonika continued to look at her with a blank expression for sometime before finally giving in as she pointed towards the glass and said with a small smile.
Nyonika: Finish that up, u look like hell!

Nandini chuckled at it but then stopped holding her head from the pain and simply took a sip.
Nandini: But still... I m really very sorry for last night Mom! And u don't need to tell me how wrong I was, coz I know it very well. I was way too irresponsible last night, first I was alone and then I got drunk out of my mind, I don't even remember how I managed to get myself home! Plus this head ache...

Nyonika: U called the driver to come and pick u up but then u passed out in the car itself. Manik took u up to the room and put u to bed!
Nyonika said making Nandini jerked her head upwards as soon as she heard Manik's name.

Nandini: Manik...

Nyonika nodded at her while Nandini simply bit her lip deep in thought.
Nandini: Did he say anything? Was he angry?

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