Part 12

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Fab5 were practising in the Music room from the last two hours. And as always when it came to Music they forgot everything else until the Nandini peaked in through the door.

Nandini: Snack break Guys!!!!

All of them looked up at her when she pushed opened the door and entered followed by the servant pushing in a tray filled with food.

Cabir: Ohh God Nandini.... U r a saviour seriously!! I m famished.

Nandini smiled at him and asked the servant to leave. She walked towards the corner of the room and sat on the floor next to the 4 bean bags kept over there. All of them joined her while dhruv too sat on the floor. Manik sat on the bag right next to Nandini.

Nandini: So how is it going??

Mukti: So far, so good.... I hope it goes on in the same way.

Nandini: It will....
Nandini smiled while they all dug into the food.

They continued eating when Nandini said,
Nandini: Guys... Coffee??

Aliya: Yup... I need some energy!

Manik: So Do I!!
Manik said lying his head back closing his eyes after the long practise session.

Nandini picked up her phone and called the servant asking him to get coffee for everyone. Aliya and Mukti mentioned about some latest fashion week coming up and they started talking about getting up those dresses for their concert. While Manik decided to stay out of the conversation and rest for a while.

A few minutes later, the door was knocked when their coffee came, making him finally sit straight. The butler kept their mugs in front of them reaching towards Nandini at the last. Nandini nodded as he kept her cup after which he left. When Manik immediately picked up Nandini's cup.

Nandini: Manik thats mine....
Nandini turned towards him. Manik smiled at her and shrugged.

Manik: I know!!

Nandini tired to take ot back from him when Manik got up from his place and moved away.
Nandini: Manik yr... Gimme mine na!! U can hv urs.

Manik: Ohh... Madam, how do I like my coffee???

Nandini: Either Strong or black!!
Nandini blurted out normally making him smile.

Manik: Then why did u order a regular one for me??

Nandini realised her mistake looking at the other mugs while the rest four had amused expressions on their faces.

Nandini: Ohk fine.. But I hv seen u hving normal one at office, so why can't u have it now!!

Manik: Coz i hv a choice here....
Manik smirked as he took a sip from it.

Manik: Mmn.... Nyc!!
Nandini glared at him at it but turned around to sit back,

Nandini: Jerk!!
She muttered slowly though it was audible enough for them to hear.

Manik: Witch....
Manik said back making her look upto him in shock. As she stood up again.

Nandini: Dog!!
Manik: Bitch...
They continued cursing each other when Nandini shouted,

Nandini: Dick!!
Manik: Prick!!

Nandini: First of all, Prick means the same as Dick... And secondly, how do u think u can call a Girl that!!
Nandini snapped back at him immediately.

Both of them kept on glaring at each other for a few moments, having pin drop silence in the room before they bursted laughing out loud.

All the others too joined them as they laughed their guts out. A few minutes later, Nandini finally controlled herself as she stood there holding up her waist.

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