Part 89

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Aliya: Guys... Why don't u all go and order, we'll just take a stroll out here and join u in a few minutes.
It was almost time for lunch when the group decided to take a break from their site seeing and chose a small diner near a local market. Aliya saw the shops and held navya's hand stopping the girls as she spoke to the boys.

Dhruv followed her eye-sight and rolled his eyes,
Dhruv: Aliya... U can go for shopping later.

Aliya: Oh relax... I m not going shopping, I just want to have a look.

Navya: Yes... We'll join u very soon!

Cabir: No No... I don't trust u girls to walk in there and get back before buying almost half the market. One of these days we'll make sure to keep time apart just for shopping but please not now.

Aliya: Oh come on guys just a few minutes! We'll be back soon...
Aliya said and quickly turned around taking hold of Navya's hand as she pulled her along.

Aliya: Mukti, Nandini... Come na! Ashita, come!
Aliya said turning around as the boys groaned.

Nandini: No Aliya... U guys carry on, I m damn hungry, I m gonna stay here...

Mukti: So am I... I just want to rest for sometime before we go along to the beach.
Mukti told them while Ashita decided to go along with Aliya and Navya.

All of them went inside and took up a corner seat making sure that they could all settle down together.
Manik: Oh yes Cabir... I forgot to ask, how was ur dinner with Navya's parents last week. What did u guys decide for the wedding?

Cabir: Don't even ask Man... Navya's mother pulled out all that kundli stuff at the last minute. She says we can't get married till the end of next year, I mean can u imagine it?

Mukti: What? Next year!!

Cabir: Yes... She says the best date is that time only! And then she just kept on taunting me of proposing this wedding so late, I mean how would I know that if I had proposed two months earlier then she would let me get married to her daughter and not now! This is freaking insane.
All of them chuckled at his frustration while Manik teased him.

Manik: Not even married yet and strict mother in law complaints have already started... Good going Man!

Cabir: Hahaha very funny!
Cabir said sarcastically as he picked up the menu and started looking for something to eat.

Nandini: Come on Manik... Don't be like that! U r lucky u don't have to handle your mother in law, I can bet a million that u would be running for the hills if that happened.

Rishab: I agree!
Rishab joined in as the others laughed.

Rishab: U r lucky u didn't meet Di before she went to London. I m telling u Mom was worse then.

Mukti: Oh come on... I don't believe it. Worse than now?
Mukti asked raising her eyes in surprise while Nandini just shook her head with a smile playing on her lips.

Rishab: Absolutely worse... Actually I would rather say it was Di who was gullible at that time...

Nandini gasped at this and hit him at the back of his head,
Nandini: Gullible!

All of them laughed as Rishab moved away from Nandini,
Rishab: What?? I m not lying okay. Come On, u know that if someone appreciates u standing up in front of Mom at every point, then that is Me. But u seriously were gullible at some point.

Nandini smiled at him shrugging casually as Rishab looked up at Manik.
Rishab: Jiju... U seriously won't believe it. This tigress who just always seems ready to pounce upon Mom, she was actually a kitten at some point. Before Di went to London, throughout her school life, the only Nandini I have seen is the one who just sat there taking in everything that Mom gave her.

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