Part 81

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Nandini: I can't do that Manik. It won't be fair to Fab5, or any of ur fans. We have to go back.

Manik groaned at her words, knowing that she was right and simply sat into the car.

Nandini: Driver... Please take us back to the hotel.
Nandini requested the driver after getting in beside Manik. As the car started she shifted closer to him leaning onto his shoulder as she held his arm.

Nandini: I know u don't want to go to the meet.

Manik sighed at it before wrapping his arm around her as he held her closer,
Manik: It's not like I don't want to go. It's just that I have spent all these past days with them and being away from u, I want to spend some time with you now, and especially today.

Nandini smiled softly at his words, tightening her hold around his arm as she looked up at him.
Nandini: Tonight... After the meet, just you and me! I already have it all planned.

Manik's eyes broadened at her words as he looked down at her.
Manik: Planned? What?

Nandini: It's a surprise. Now, snap out of your grumpy mood, we are going to this special fan meet.

Manik: Come on Nandini... U can't leave me in suspense like this.
Manik tried again only for Nandini to smirk as she shook her head in a No.

Manik: Please tell me that u r coming with us for this Fan meet and press conference!

Nandini chuckled this time for kissing his cheek,
Nandini: U r just too cute when u start being such a stubborn child. 

Manik: Ayee... I m not cute haan! 

Nandini rolled her eyes at this hitting his arm softly,
Nandini: Act all cool and proud as u want in front of ur fans, mister. I have seen u like no one else has, and I can call u anything I wish to.

A smile came onto Manik's face as he shook his head in defeat and simply looked out of the window.
Nandini: I will definitely come along if u want me to be there.

Manik looked down at her smiling,
Manik: I always want u with me, it's you who keeps on trying to stay away from the cameras, but it's fine coz I know why u do that. 

Nandini nodded at him as the driver pulled over in front of the hotel. They got down the car, walking inside only to find Fab4 walking out of the hotel's cafeteria. 
Mukti: Woah... The love birds are back! I thought u were not gonna show us ur faces for the rest of the day.

Manik: That was my original plan, but unfortunately Nandini found out about this Fan meet and apparently I shouldn't be disappointing my fans especially when they have so much planned for my birthday.

Cabir: Of course our dear Nandini has to do the 'right thing'.
Cabir said making Nandini pout as Manik wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer.

Dhruv: Anyways... I think that we should all hurry now and get ready.

Aliya: Right! Let's go...
All of them agreed to him as they moved towards their rooms. 

It took them about an hour to get ready before they met again in the lobby and left for the Mall where the meet was planned. Cabir suggested for them to leave the driver and simply drive together in the same car, at which all the others agreed happily. Taking the hired SUV, Manik took the driving wheel with Cabir getting in beside him on the passenger seat. Dhruliya took up the back seats after which Mukti and Nandini took the middle ones.

Driving to the venue they goofed around like they usually did, not even realizing how they crossed the half-hour journey to the Mall. Ignoring the underground parking space, Manik pulled the car towards the main entrance of the Mall, looking over at the large crowd of fans, lead by the papz.

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