Part 52

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After the very warm welcome by her new family, Nyonika took Nandini to the kitchen for a small ritual in which she had to make something sweet for everyone.

She convinced Nyonika that she would make the entire dinner, in which Nyonika gladly helped her giving a time off to the staff. The duo got to work talking casually as Nandini asked her the food preferences of everyone. She was not even surprised to find how similar were Manik and her choices. She made a mental note of what Nyonika and Harsh liked the most.

The light conversation with Nyonika proved to be another reality check for her. This was the first time she was ever having such a good time cooking something. Though she knew how to cook, but she had learnt it all out of necessity when she moved out of her University hostel and rented a flat in London. After a tiring day full of classes, cooking in the lonely quiet flat was never something she looked forward to, but here she was laughing and smiling at the silly jokes made by this wonderful women who was now called her Mother in Law.

Her hands moved on their own, out of old habit but for the first time she was happy to be standing in the kitchen, coz she was no longer making something to fill her hungry self, but also for these other people who were her family. She wanted them to like what she was making, she wanted opinions which she never got before provided the fact that she never made something for anyone ever before, except for some small knick knacks that she made in London when her classmates ever came over for projects, and the one time for Manik in Bangalore. Her so called real family didn't even know that she could make herself a fresh meal.

She heard Nyonika call her, making her turn towards suddenly.

Nyonika: What happened? Are u fine? I called u out a few times!

Nandini: Ohh I m so sorry, I kinda zoned out...
Nandini said her face turning red in embarrassment while Nyonika just smiled,

Nyonika: It's ohk... I was just saying that this is done, do u need my help in the dessert pie?

Nandini: No no its fine... It's almost done anyways, just a few minutes more...
Nandini said looking at what she was doing while Nyonika just nodded.

Nyonika: Ohk u finish it, I'll just go and check if the staff has the living room cleared out. U never know what this father-son duo up to.... Once u are done, go and take some rest before everyone else comes okay?

Nandini: Yes Mom don't worry... I'll be fine!

Nyonika smiled at her as she left the kitchen. It took hardly 10 minutes for nandini to finish it off before she kept the tray in the fridge and instructed the staff to take it out at the time of dessert. She walked out of the kitchen to find the living room empty, looking around she didn't find anyone.

Though she knew that this was her own house now, but she still wasn't used to roam around in here with familiarity. She opened up her purse to call Manik but realized that her phone was still not with her. Not knowing what exactly to do, she decided to go to Manik's room and rest as Nyonika had suggested.

She walked up the stairs, and was about to turn towards the right, to Manik's room when she heard a muffed voice of laughter from the other side. Due to the muffed voice she couldn't make out whose voice it was, making her move towards the sound. She moved to the left corridor and walked further towards the last room which had the door slightly opened.

Nandini looked inside only to smile as she saw Manik and Nyonika sitting on the bed as he laughed out loud while Nyonika continued to hit him feebly with what looked like a magazine. She smiled broadly at their friendly banter and turned to go when she heard Harsh's voice.

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