Part 57

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Kyle: Hey guys... Hop on for the best trip of ur life!
Nandini heard Kyle's voice before she saw him as he pulled over the car in front of the hotel.

Manik looked back at him, as the said guy got down the car making nandini chuckle as she took in his attire.

Nandini: U seem to be already too much in mood...
Nandini commented eyeing his T-shirt, while Manik chuckled. He was wearing a bright neon T-shirt which aptly said, 'Try me on baby.... It'll be a ride for life!'. Though the no so stubble picture of a gay couple going straight at it, didn't make the quote seem very decent.

Kyle: Well, I had to compensate of the said boring girl around here, so thought might just go all out.

Kyle winked at her as he helped Manik dump their bags in the boot of his SUV. Manan had decided to check out of the hotel as they would be spending the entire week on this said trip and then just be back for the day of the event. Nandini had packed a few clothes for the two of them in Manik's duffle bag while they were dropping off the rest of their luggage at Becca's.

They got into the car heading over next to Becca's were she was waiting with her boyfriend Elliot.
Nandini: I still can't believe u guys talked me into being trapped in this car for the next 8 hours.

Kyle: Road trips are more fun than flights Nandini... U'll not regret this so suck it up and don't crib.
Kyle said looking at her through the rear view mirror.

Nandini: I don't crib!
Nandini snapped at him making him roll his eyes as Manik chuckled. Nandini hit Manik's shoulder from the back,

Nandini: Stop laughing... U r supposed to be on my side!

Manik: Ouch.. Stop with the violence girl...

Soon they pulled over at Becca's place where Manik unloaded their spare luggage as the other four joined them. Manik and Nandini took the last seat in the car, as Elliot, Becca and Ronnie took the middle seat while Will joined Kyle in the front as Kyle took the wheel again and they hit the road.

Ronnie: I still can't believe we are finally on this trip! and that too all of us together.... i never knew Will's idea for Nandini was gonna work.

All of them agreed to her with nods as Manik shifted the conversation asking them about their professional lives. He knew Nandini too needed to know about them as her interest picked up watching them talk about it. 

Almost two hours into the journey, he felt nandini yawn next to him. He too was feeling tired as he knew both of them were still trying to cope up with their body's time cycle. He turned towards her and spoke up softly.
Manik: Take a nap... U'll feel better!

Nandini: No.. Its ohk!

Manik: Nandini... Get some sleep. Its just because of the time difference. I think I m too gonna sleep for sometime.

Nandini nodded at his words this time as she rested her head on the window still and closed her eyes, letting her senses off and tuning out of whatever conversation was going on there. Manik saw sleep instantly take over her as a smile came onto his lips. He too got a bit more comfortable, leaning down as he rested his head back on the head board. The car zoomed through the ways, making nandini's head hit the glass slightly as he softly lifted up her head and pulled her closer, making her lean onto his shoulder. 

His hand moved to hers as he entwined them together before resting it on his lap as he let sleep take over himself too.

A few minutes later, Elliot noticed the silence behind him as he turned only to smile watching the two of them in deep slumber. 
Elliot: Guys... Look at them!

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