Part 39

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Nandini: Manik Malhotra.... U r not making any sense at all! What is so important that u cancelled Mom's shopping plan?

Nandini snapped at Manik making him smile as he continued driving to his destination. 15 days had passed since they had announced the wedding to Aliya's parents and by now all the preparations were on full on speed.

Manik: Chill Nandini.... Its sunday tmrw, I already talked to Mom she'll take u then... These past few days hv been so busy, we hvn't had a single day in peace, just relax for now!

Nandini sighed at his words and nodded before leaning back on the seat,
Nandini: Yeah... Office has been too hectic these days!

Manik: Dad was appreciating ur work today! I must say he is too damn impressed from u....

Nandini: I don't know.... I might hv accepted it earlier but now he might be biased u know!

Manik: Nah, Dad is not that type. He has not even been biased for me yr... For him, what's good is good and what's not need to be thrown out.

Nandini chuckled at his words and asked,
Nandini: So where are u taking me then?

Manik: No where new.... Just the same old stuff which I know u can't resist!
Manik said back with a shrug making Nandini smile.

Nandini: The hill...

Manik: Our place!!

Nandini: Its been too long we went there!

Manik: And that is why we are going today.... A week more before the ceremonies start, so I thought why not spend some free time today....

Nandini: I guess I needed it!

Manik: I know u needed it...
Manik said shaking his head as he passed his car at their usual point. They got out of the car as Manik opened up the boot and pulled out a matress for them. Soon both of them walked into the trees following the trail until they reached the point overlooking the city.

Nandini: Hush... Feels like home!

Manik: Here... I got ur coffee as well.
Manik said passing her a to go cup of coffee.

Nandini: U know there are a lot of things u do that makes me want to push u from this hill.... But then u always come up with this little things that take my heart away!
Nandini said to him before taking a seat at the edge.

Manik: Firstly, I don't know how many times do I have to tell u to sit back and Secondly, I really don't know if u are praising me or cursing me.

Nandini laughed out at him shaking her head as she continued sitting at the same place while Manik stood back glaring at her.

Manik: Nandini.... I said Get Back! That's not safe...
He shouted making Nandini sigh as she moved back. She sat with him and turned towards him,

Nandini: Happy now?

Manik: Nandini... Why don't u listen to me? What if u slip someday....

Nandini rolled her eyes at him and turned back towards the blinking lights of the city.

Nandini: As if anyone would care if I did!

Manik: I Would....
Came on a reply which made her turn back towards him. She saw the serious expression on his face and guilt came onto her.

Nandini: I-

Manik: I Really Would Nandini....
He repeated again trying to make her believe him. Nandini saw his serious face as she held his hand,

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