Part 61

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Becca: Would u stop looking at the door again and again? It was amusing in the beginning but now u r creeping me out.......

Ronnie laughed out at her words while Nandini just frowned at it, hitting her with a cushion.
Nandini: I wasn't looking at the door!

Becca: Yeah right!
Becca replied rolling her eyes as she blowed some air on her nails waiting for the Nail paint to dry.

Nandini: Seeiously.... If I knew that trying all these different types of nail paints was ur idea of the girls tym, I would hv gone with the guys only!

Ronnie: Come on Nandini.... No need to play with words, u had no interest in going with them. But now that they r gone, u simply want to be with Manik.

Nandini: That's so not true!
Nandini snapped at her making both the girls laugh as Nandini picked up the bowl of popcorn, and stuffed a few in her mouth.

Ronnie: But don't worry.... I m not blaming u! If I had a guy that Hot, I would hv never left his side...
Ronnie said winking at her as Nandini's jaw dropped at her.

Nandini: Would u stop plzz...

Becca: Come on nandini.... He's ur husband, there is no harm for u to agree that he is damn hot!
Becca fanned herself using her hands as Nandini blinked her eyes at them.

Nandini: U too?? Seriously girls?

Ronnie: Chill... We are just saying the truth. It's not like we are gonna seduce him into anything, he is urs,  don't get jealous girl!

Nandini: I m not jealous and I would never be!
Nandini said picking up the magazine from her side and flipping onto the pages...

Ronnie: Hey... No need to get worked up! I m just saying, and plus getting jealous is natural.

Nandini: No it's not.... I m not going to be the jealous kind of wife ever!

Becca: U serious? Ur man is a celebrity Nandini, I m sure he has girls falling on his feet... U can't help but get jealous sometimes...

Nandini looked up from her magazine at this and thought over Becca's words. Yes she had often seen Manik with his fans and even though it consisted quite a lot of girls, she never felt anything against anyone.

Nandini: No Becs.... Celebrity or not! I know I hv no need to worry about anything.

Both Ronnie and Becca looked at each other at this before Ronnie winked at Becca secretly.

Ronnie: Fine.... If u say so! How about we test this for u?

Nandini: Huh??
Nandini asked confused as Ronnie got up from her place and sat next to Nandini.

Ronnie: Once the guys get back. Both u and me are gonna try and seduce ur man, lets see who works.....

Nandini: Are u serious?
Nandini asked in a have_u_lost_it tone while Ronnie ignored it and continued,
Ronnie: The catch here would be that I will dress to my best, while u would just come along in some baggy casuals. Ready to loose a 100 bucks here?

Nnadini looked at her for a few moments before she looked up to find Becca sitting there with a broad excited smile on her face while Ronnie forwarded her hand towards her.

Nandini: Fine... Deal!
Nandini said shaking hands with her while the girls squealed loudly at it.

Nandini: What did I get myself into?
Nandini muttered to herself as she looked back at her magazine.

The next two days, after their day at lake, passed on in a blur and now they were back to London. Manan were again going to book themselves a room in the hotel, but Becca suggested everyone to stay at hers as it was just one day left to the event at their college.

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