Part 87

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Manik: U got everything?

Nandini: I think so!! U closed the door to the balcony right?

Manik: Yes, I did... Come let's go.
Manik said smiling down at her as he picked up one of the bags and walked out of the lift of their apartment building. Nandini rolled the other bag behind her as the two of them walked towards the car. Soon they were out onto the road as Manik drove them to the Malhotra Mansion.

Nandini: By the way, I was just thinking... How come RM Heights give off this New Year break? It's not usual for companies!

Manik laughed out louod at this shaking his head,
Manik: Ohh I know it's not, because this has nothing to do with the company. This tradition is a result of one of the major fights that Mom and Dad had when I was younger.

Nandini: Fight?

Manik: Yes... Mom always loved this time of the year, right from her childhood days. Every year she would just leave everything off during this time and go on for a vacation or something. When Mom and Dad got married, she informed Dad about this habit of hers on the first new year that they celebrated together. Dad tried a lot to get some time off, but he was just too damn busy at work to plan any trip and Mom understood his priorities at that time because RM Heights was literally just above the ground at that time. Every year she would want dad to make time for the trip but it was never possible. Finally it was when I was 5 years old, and I remember Mom being very angry at Dad for not making it home on time for dinner one night. Dad apologized time and again to her but she didn't budge for around a week. Suddenly one day, when Dad was at work Mom barged into his cabin and asked him if he wanted to make the things right, and Dad being desperate of not hearing even a single word from her the entire week immediately said yes. Well what Mom did next was to take up his computer and post up a holiday message for all the employees on the company page. By the time Dad saw it, the entire office was already rushing up the work to have the week free.

Nandini heard his stories with her eyes broad, surprised as well as amused by it at the same time while Manik smiled to himself, remembering the cute love between his folks with all the fondness of his heart. Just then he pulled up in front of the Malhotra Mansion when Nandini held his hand wanting to stop him.
Nandini: What are their plans this year?

Manik's smile vanished at her questions as he gave her a blank look,
Manik: They stopped going on those trips once Mansi Di got married.

Nandini cursed herself for popping up the question and pressed his hand softly as they got down the car. Manik waited for her to walk around towards him as they two of them walked towards the door when Nandini spoke up softly to him,
Nandini: Do u think it's fine if we somehow restart their tradition?

Manik: I m really not sure if it's gonna work.

Nandini: Well I think there is no harm in trying once, but I wanted to ask u once before going ahead with it.
Nandini replied in a softer tone, looking at him with expectation. Manik sighed softly before stopping as he turned towards her wrapping his arms around her waist.

Manik: U don't need to ask me for anything Nandini... I trust u! I know u have their good at heart.
He kissed her forehead slowly making nandini smile, in turn getting a smile at his own face as they moved away from each other and walked inside. Manik pushed open the door and walked in, calling out loud.

Manik: Heyo Oldies... Where are you?

Nandini shook her head at him and called out herself,
Nandini: Mom.. Dad.. We are Home!!

They walked towards the living room just as Nyonika walked outside the kitchen smiling broadly at them,
Nyonika: What a surprise!! I thought the two of u would be sleeping late after this busy week...

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