Part 36

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Nandini: Manik... I still think I should not be here. I mean what will I do here and plus, don't u guys sign some privacy bond with ur producers of not letting anyone hear the songs before the launch.

Manik: I don't care and plus, u r always an exception for me.
Manik said as he entwined his fingers with hers and pulled her behind him oblivious to the piercing eyes on their back as they entered the recording studio. He smiled and nodded at the few people he seemed to acknowledge and lead her through the way.

 He smiled and nodded at the few people he seemed to acknowledge and lead her through the way

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Nandini: Have u guys recorded here earlier?

Nandini asked as she looked as making took her through the very confusing corridors of the studio. Manik chuckled knowing at her words and replied,
Manik: Yeah... We did mock recordings last week and then the other songs day before yesterday. As I said, its the final recording today. We just have one song to go with today.

Nandini nodded back at his reply as he finally opened up the door to a room and entered.

Cabir: Here he is...
She heard Cabir's voice just as the door opened and soon entered behind Manik.

Mukti: Oh Hi Nandini...
Mukti smiled broadly on noticing Nandini. Nandini wished them back as she noticed Cabir's eyes zoon onto her hand entwined with Manik's as he gave his teasing smile to her.

Cabir: Looks like the love birds can't just seem to get enough of each other!

Manik rolled his eyes at his words while Mukti just smiled.

Manik: Can u just try and focus on why we r here cabir? And where are Dhruv and Aliya?

"Right here!"
Came a voice from behind them as Aliya entered the room followed by Dhruv.

Cabir: Here come our second love birds!

Both Dhruv and Aliya blushed at it while this time Nandini too joined Mukti's cheeky smile.

Manik: Cabir... Enough!

Cabir: Okay... Sry! Now that we all are here, lets get changed. The producer is also here today, I just talked to him. He will join us with the Music Director once we are all ready.
Cabir said finally getting serious.

All the others nodded at him when Nandini asked,
Nandini: U guys need to get ready for the recording also?

Aliya: Yeah... Apart from the official music video, they launch another one with clips and snaps from the recordings. A few good snaps are even added in between the official one as well.

Nandini: Wow!

Manik: Anyways... Let's just get ready fast! And girls plz don't take much longer.
Manik said turning specially towards Aliya earning a glare from her.

Nandini: Can I help u two?
Nandini asked both of them earning board smiles.

Aliya: Good u asked... I would hv dragged u away from Manik anyways....
Aliya said as she held her hand as the three girls left the room.

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