Part 68

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Rishab: U r fine right? I mean really completely fine?
Rishab asked Nandini for almost the 10th time making her sigh as she shook her head and ruffled his hair.

Nandini: Rishu.... Relax! I m fine.... Believe me..

Rishab nodded at her and turned back to wards the Television screen in her room watching some random movie. Both of them stayed silent for sometime before he said slowly,
Rishab: I was scared....

He admitted to it so softly, that it took Nandini a minute to know if he actually said it. Nandini turned towards him while Rishab kept his eyes fixed at the screen.
Rishab: I can't loose u Di!! I don't hv anyone but u....

Nandini: Hey hey why are u saying so? I m not going anywhere okay. And u hv ur mom-dad too na, why all this senti thing haan...

Nandini said leaning onto him slightly as she smiled at her silly brother. Rishab didn't reply to her and sat there still making Nandini frown as realisation drew over her,
Nandini: Rishu??

Rishab: Hmn...

Nandini: Rishu look at me!!
Nandini said sternly making him follow her words as she kept one of her hands on his cheek.

Nandini: Tell me the truth okay!!! When was the last time either of them actually took the trouble of talking to u?

Rishab started at her for a minute before replying softly,
Rishab: Almost 2 months now...

Nandini gasped at his words while he continued,
Rishab: The last was when she made all that issue of me staying out, a day before u left for ur honeymoon.

Nandini didn't say anything at it as she remembered the harsh words she had said to him that day when she heard Manik's voice.

Manik: So what?? 2 months right! Forget it, u know what champ, u shouldn't give a fuck about those two..

Nandini: Manik, language!
Nandini said glaring at him as Manik rolled his eyes and sat on the chair next to the bed and patted Rishab's shoulder.

Manik: Stop treating him like a kid Nandini... Rishab u shouldn't give a damn about those two okay?
Manik said again, this time changing his words slightly with a teasing tone for Nandini while Rishab smiled at his action. Manik looked at him and winked before telling him with atmost sincerity.

Manik: This is ur family Rishab! Nandini is ur Family, I m ur Family.... And no matter what happens always remember that u would have us watching ur back. Okay?

Rishab smiled at him with a nod before chuckling softly.
Manik: What?

Rishab: U seriously think that u would be able to watch out for anyone without her??
Rishab asked teasing Manik as he pointed towards Nandini.

Rishab: Do u even remember the last five days at all?? U were walking around like a Zombie Jiju! I bet u don't even remember what was it that Nyonika Aunty had literally forced u to eat for dinner last night.

Manik laughed at his words, shaking his head as he rubbed the back of his neck on being pinned on to like that. Rishab too joined his laughter while Nandini turned red before shifting here gaze back to the TV. Manik and Rishab continued their pointless banter for quite a long time until Rishab's phone disturbed them. Nandini turned the volume to low as Rishab received the call.

Rishab: Hey!!.... Yeah, I m still at the hospital.... No, she is up now! They took her off coma finally.... Yeah I know.... U free now?.... Ohh.... Wasn't that ur last one?.... Ohk cool, we are still on for later right?.... I m looking forward to it....

Just the fact that Nandini had still not reacted or responded to anything that Manik had said to her earlier, made the situation too awkward for them. And now Rishab being on the phone, made him the only person speaking in the room, and thus, automatically gaining Nandini's attention to his extra charming voice and the small smile playing on his face.

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