Part 62

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Nandini groaned in her sleep listening to Kyle's voice as he repeatedly knocked on their door the next morning. She turned around facing Manik, burying her face in his chest as she murmured,
Nandini: Manik.... Open the door na!

Manik rubbed his eyes in sleep before attempting to move up from the bed, only for Nandini to clutch his vest tighter in her fists.

Nandini: Let me sleep na... Send him away!

Manik: Baba U need to leave me for me to get up and open the door.

Nandini left his vest that it, letting him get up as she hugged his pillow stuffing her head into it and going back to sleep. Manik rubbed his eyes with a yawn before he opened the door to find Kyle standing in front of him dressed up in a nice formal suit.

Manik: Why are u so dressed up?

Kyle: We have to go to the event Man! Wake ur wife up and both of u get ready.

Manik turned around to look at the clock and noticed it to be 9 am as he faced Kyle again.
Manik: Isn't the event sometime around noon?

Kyle: 11 am.... And I don't wanna be late! I never be Late!
Kyle said almost shouting in the end making Manik wince.

Manik: Fine.. Its still two hours left! Relax...

Kyle: U know how long girls take to get ready?

Manik: 20-25 mins....
Manik said unsure making Kyle glare at him.

Kyle: Which girl u know that gets ready in that time?

Manik: My wife... Now stop with the drama so early in the morning man! We'll both be ready on time I promise...
Manik told him before shutting the door at his face as he walked back to the bed. Nandini was now clutching his pillow while hers was free on the other side as he walked towards it and lied down taking her in a back hug and going back to sleep.

Nandini woke up an hour later, thinking about getting ready. She saw Manik sleeping peacefully and decided to wake him up after taking a bath.

20 minutes later, she got out of the washroom. She moved towards the bed, and shook Manik slowly,
Nandini: Manik... Wake up, its time!

Manik nodded at her with his eyes still closed and simply tossed around on the bed.
Nandini moved towards the dressing table, picking up the hair drier as she got ready. She heard a knock on the door and opened up to find Becca there.

Becca: U guys ready? Breakfast in 15 minutes...

Nandini: Cool...

Becca: U look nice. Proper professional!

Nandini looked down at her clothes and simply shrugged it off,
Nandini: Yeah these are my work clothes.

Nandini looked down at her clothes and simply shrugged it off,Nandini: Yeah these are my work clothes

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