Part 50

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Nandini got rid of the blindfold to find herself standing in a vacant brightly lite corridor. She looked at Manik confused as he shifted his eyes to her hand. Nandini followed his gaze to find a key placed on her palm. She looked closely at the keychain to find "MaNan" scripted on a small piece of wood.

Nandini looked up at Manik again, only to see him move aside as she saw the exactly same inscription on the door behind him.

Manik: Welcome Home!

Nandini's eyes broadened as his words registered in her head, she looked back at the key in her hand and then towards Manik.

Nandini: Manik... This?

Manik: Come on Nandini... Its not that difficult to understand now! I thought u were smart!

Unlike her usual reaction this time Nandini didn't roll her eyes or smack his arm with some smart ass comment, instead she still stood there shocked, with her mouth opening and closing like a gold fish.

Nandini: But... But I thought... We would live with ur parents! Ur home, Malhotra Mansion... This...
She somehow managed to say, without even making proper sentences while Manik smiled,

Manik: It's our wedding gift from Mom and Dad! They wanted to give it long back but I wanted it to be a surprise for u.... I wanted it to be entirely ready for u by today. Cabir kinda helped me with all the stuff.

He took the keys from her and pushed the door wide open, he held her hand and welcomed her inside. Nandini stepped into the house, looking around in surprise as she stood in daze.

Manik: We did what we thought U would like... I kinda went through ur favorite designs that I found in ur cabin and then Cabir managed to get ur teams opinions on it without u getting to know.... But if u don't like anything then we are get the interiors done again and also everything in the-

Nandini turned around and threw her arms around him stopping him from his nervous blabbering round.

Nandini: Shh.... Shut up now will u?
She whispered to him before breaking the hug and looking up at him with one of her hand still around his neck while the other reached his cheek.

Nandini: I love it! And I love it whatever way it is.... Because u cared enough to put so much of time, effort and thought into it. I don't think anything that I say now can convey my happiness and surprise and emotion at this point of time. I know u don't want me to Thank u for this, but I want u to know how grateful I m....

Manik smiled broadly at her words before nodding as he held her hand,
Manik: Come I'll show u around!

Nandini: No no no manik wait...
Nandini said pulling him back as she asked,
Nandini: Why exactly are we here Manik? Why aren't we living in the Malhotra Mansion? I hope u didn't do all this just for me, coz I would never ever want to take u away from ur family or ur Parents.

Manik: Hey hey relax.... This wasn't my idea. According to my Mom, 'We wouldn't get our much needed privacy out there and so she suggested this...' This has nothing to do with all that u r thinking nandini. Just relax.

Nandini: But-

Manik: Listen, there is no use arguing with Mom. She anyways requested that we spend our weekends over there.... From friday dinner to Monday breakfast. So just chill okay! And even I think this would be better for us, we'll have the entire place for ourselves, we can use it anyway we want. And I know u always wanted to make a home for urself.

Nandini sighed at his words as she looked around her to the amazingly furnished living room. Two bean bags laying in the front of the TV, giving it a personal touch making a smile come up on her face.

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