Part 4

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Manik's smirk faded away the instant when he heard Nandini say,

Nandini: Thank u very much sir... But I m Sorry I Can't take this Job....

Harsh looked at her totally shocked while Nandini turned around to leave.
Manik: Ms. Kapoor wait!!!

Nandini stopped at her tracks when she him calling her Ms. Kapoor and turned around,
Nandini: Listen Manik.... U don't hv to do all this drama. I don't want this job from u just bcoz I m Aliya's cousin. I think I m capable enough to find something for myself on the basis of my talent and qualifications.

Manik: But nandini-

Nandini: I really appreciate ur efforts but thanks a lot, I don't need ur help.

Nandini finished off her monologue not even once being rude when Harsh smiled at her.
Harsh: Now is the time when I m even sure of having u as an employee here... Ms. Kapoor u can be next to sure that this job for u is fairly on the basis of professional grounds. The employment of every person here is my decision and as u can see I had no idea about u ppl knowing each other. I surely feel like there is nothing bcoz of which u hv to leave this job.

Nandini heard him and looked at Manik and Cabir once before she smiled broadly and shook hands with Harsh. Soon harsh left the cabin leaving the three to talk.

Cabir: So much of drama in this banging headache!! Kill me God...

Manik: Shut up Cabir!!
Manik gritted while Nandini suppressed her smile.

Manik: Welcome to the RM Heights Nandini. I hope this job matches ur excitement level and fulfills all that u had expected from it.

Nandini smiled at the fact that he remembered all that she told about the job and said,
Nandini: Thanks...

Manik: Ohk so ur cabin is ready. Its on the same floor, I'll ask my secretary to assist u to it. Rest I think Dad would hv already explained u the details so lets get to work. U will be working with me and cabir for most of the cases so, if at all u need anything feel free to come to any of ours cabin. Cabir's cabin is right next to mine but u won't be surprised to find him sulking out here most of the time.

Nandini nodded at it and chuckled at the last line.

Manik picked up the phone from the table and called in his secretary. Two minutes later, a young guy entered the office.

Manik: Aman... This is Ms. Nandini Kapoor the new Design Consultant for our company. I want u to show her to her cabin.

Aman: Right sir!!

Nandini: Gave a slight smile to Manik and then said,
Nandini: Thank u sir...

Manik immediately looked up at her words and said,
Manik: What... Sir??

Nandini: U both r my boss'.. So, I will call u sir, right?

Cabir laughed at her words and walked towards her.
Cabir: Nandini seriously relax.... And stop making it such a big deal!! We r together together doesn't mean that u hv to call us Sir. Or anything else than our names for that matter. And I would really appreciate if u be the same one who almost kicked off Abhi's balls last night.

Manik: Yeah... N i might really appreciate to see u doing that to Cabir for his excessive flirting with the entire female staff.

Nandini nodded at them with a smile and moved out of the cabin.

And that was how they met, the following days at work went on quite normally. Everyone did their share of work and then they sat together discussed stuff. Nandini was truly a gem of an employee and her work greatly impressed everyone.

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