Part 78

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Nandini: U r as stubborn as a kid!

Manik: Call me whatever u want. U r not getting out of this Nandini.
Manik said as he picked up his phone from the table and msged Fab5.

Nandini: Manik... It's not just u guys na otherwise I would have come. There are gonna be so many artists and along with them a whole lot of paps. I m in no mood for that.

Manik: U r already not coming with us for this tour and now u don't even want to come to see me off at the airport?
Manik asked with a glare towards her through the mirror. Nandini got up from the bed and moved closer to him wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back with a small peck.

Nandini: I say my goodbye here or at the airport, how does it matter! I m gonna tell u the same thing which u already know.

Manik: And what's that?
Manik asked sternly still not giving in when Nandini sighed and tightened her grip around him and closed her eyes.

Nandini: That I know u guys will Rock it out there. I m proud of you. I m gonna Miss You! And most importantly, that I Love You.

A smile slowly came onto Manik's face as he held her arms, breaking her grip before turning around to face her as he cupped her face and kissed her forehead softly,
Manik: I Love You More... And I don't know how I m gonna spend these 20 days without u.

Nandini hugged him again, before softly whispering in his chest,
Nandini: This is gonna be the first time since our marriage that we are gonna be away from each other.

Manik: As much as I love having our first times, this one is not something that I m comfortable with.
Manik said placing soft kisses on her hair.

Manik: What are u going to do here all alone?

Nandini: Work!

Manik: And what about the weekends?? None of us will be here, Mom-Dad too aren't around!

Nandini: Manik... Relax, I'll be fine. And if I get bored alone na, then I'll keep on calling u to disturb u in ur work.

She felt his chest vibrate as he laughed softly.
Manik: I m never gonna be busy enough to not being able to entertain you when u r bored.

Nandini: Yes u r my personal entertainer! Just mine...

Manik: Just yours!
Manik replied agreeing to her as he kissed her forehead.

Nandini broke the hug, looking up at him with a somber expression as she looked straight into his eyes and whispered again,
Nandini: I m going to Miss You more than u can even imagine...

Before she knew, Manik smacked his lips over hers, his arms going around her waist pulling her into himself. Nandini kissed him back, pouring out all her love into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her fingers buried into the smooth traces of his hair that she loved so much. 

Manik bit her lower lip, making her open up for him as Manik entered his tongue into her mouth, tasting each and every corner as she fought with him for dominance. A moan erupted her mouth which was muffled by Manik. 

She tugged his hair, pulling out of the kiss somehow only for Manik to bent his face lower as he kissed her neck with a sort of urgency. Nandini tilted her face to the other side giving him more access while her mind went on for the different road as she managed to speak up,
"Manik... Your fl-flight!"

Manik groaned at the need clear in her choking voice as he moved away from her for a second, looking straight into the darkening intensity of her eyes before kissing her again.

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