Part 88

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Feeling the touch of the very familiar fingers on her face, and enjoying the happy trail of feather-like kisses right from her forehead followed through her face and down to her neck was what woke Nandini up. Humming in approval at this kind of morning she opened up her eyes to her outstanding husband smiling his best smile down at her.
Nandini: Ohh such a fair sight early morning! I might just die out of a good fortune.

Manik: NANDINI!!!
Manik glared down at her, as a sweet apologetic smile came across her face. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved upward pecking onto his lips once.

Nandini: Sorry... Good Morning Hubby.

A smile came back on manik's face as he kissed her forehead before replying to her,
Manik: Good Morning wifey...

Nandini: Any special reason why u seem to be in such an amazing mood this morning?

Manik: Well, as I told u earlier this is our second honeymoon and I m happy for its first day.

Nandini chuckled at him shaking her head,
Nandini: U seem to have really high hopes from this trip Mr. Malhotra!

Manik: I sure do Mrs. Malhotra...
Manik replied to her before leaning down closer to her as he crashed his lips onto hers. Nandini chuckled lightly onto his lips before kissing him back as Manik snaked his arms around her waist and rolled over taking her along with him so that Nandini was now strangling him. She kissed him back with equal fervor as the two of them fought for control. Both of them were out of breath by the time they broke the kiss. Manik immediately followed the path down her neck, kissing her in the crook of her neck while Nandini closed her eyes taking in a deep breath as she whispered to him,

Nandini: Manik... We should get ready or else the others will come over knocking.

Manik: Hmn...
Manik hummed in dismissal as he sucked hard onto her skin making Nandini let out a moan while he kissed on the same spot soothing the pain. Before pulling her back down as they crashed their lips together all over again.

And like every time they were again disturbed by the doorbell and a knock following soon, making Manik groan as Nandini broke the kiss letting out a chuckle.

Manik: I swear to god if this is Cabir then I m going to kick his ass...

Nandini got down the bed smiling up at him as she walked towards the washroom.
Nandini: Come on, open up manik.

Manik got up at this and watched her close the washroom door as he walked towards the door and opened it up, to find Rishab standing outside.

Manik: Hey Champ!

Rishab: Good Morning Jiju... I just came to see if the two of u r awake, and also Abhi bhaiya was asking if u guys have any plans decided for today.

Manik: Umn... I have a few ideas but nothing is decided as such. Why don't we all meet up for breakfast in like half an hour and then see how it goes from there.

Rishab: Okay cool... I'll let him know!

Manik: Yeah, I will text the others too. See u downstairs then.

Rishab: Okay...
Rishab smiled up at him before walking away as Manik closed the door.
Manan got ready soon and walked out of their room.
Nandini: Rishab, Ashita, Cabir and Navya are already downstairs...

Nandini told him reading a text on her phone as the two of them entered the lift.

Manik: By the way, I forgot to tell u earlier but u look beautiful in my T-shirt.

Manik: By the way, I forgot to tell u earlier but u look beautiful in my T-shirt

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Nandini looked down at her dress before rolling her eyes,
Nandini: HaHaHaHa...

Nandini said sarcastically hitting his shoulder.
Nandini: It seriously doesn't look like yours, does it?
She asked him seriously, looking at herself on the lift wall.

Manik shook his head at her wrapping his arm around her waist as he looked ahead,
Manik: No it doesn't and u look beautiful so even if it was, I don't care.

Nandini: U don't but other people could.

Manik: And since when do we care about 'other people'!! Chill... Come!

Manik said holding her hand as he lead her outside, they walked towards the restaurant to find all their friends sitting there except Dhruliya.

Abhi: Heyo Lovebirds!

Manik: Morning guys...
Manik said as he pulled out the chair for nandini and then took a seat. 

Ashita who was right next to Nandini smiled up at her and said,
Ashita: Hi Di... Wow, I love ur dress!!

Nandini: Thanks Ashita... I m glad u liked it, Manik was already teasing me about it.

Ashita chuckled at it while Cabir simply threw a cookie at Manik.
Cabir: Haww Manik... What am I listening to?

Manik: Haww Cabir... I never knew u could listen?
Manik said in the same tone while the rest laughed at this. Manik smiled at him sweetly just as Dhruv and Aliya joined them. 

All of them continued their breakfast when Manik spoke up.
Manik: Ohk guys listen up. We have a lot of places to visit out here, but the type of options are limited. There are temples, waterfalls, beaches of different types so whatever u guys feel like we can choose. There are a few trekking options too if u would like but I guess we can do that in a day or two. Also, there is shopping, and well, of course, a few options for parties and all, but that will be better for the nights.

Mukti: Well, I for one am dying to just lay down on a beach and catch some sun. 

Aliya: Yes... I feel like relaxing too.
Aliya agreed while the guys simply shrugged.

Cabir: Yeah, I don't mind going to a beach today. Maybe we can go to a few sites near the beech.

Manik: Cool...
Manik agreed to them before turning towards Nandini with his eyes raised. Nandini simply agreed to him, by a simple nod as all of them completed their breakfast.

Cabir: Okay, we'll all just get our stuff and meet in the lobby in 10.

Mukti: Done!

There you go!!!

An update within 24 hours...

Hope u all like it.


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