Part 84

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"And that made you get through them?"

"Them? Who gave a damn about them at the first place! It got me have my own band in a universary that never had bands of its own. Screw the competitors, I literally ruled the place all my 3 years there..."
Nandini replied to one of the artists in the party as they talked about her time in London.

The girl laughed at it while Nandini smirked taking a sip from her drink, just when she felt a hand around her waist,
"Ladies!" Manik stood by her side and nodded at her company in greeting.

"What are u two laughing about?" he asked turned towards Nandini, who simply shaked her head.

"Nandini was just telling me how she got to make her band in Uni.!"

"Hey... How come I never got to know that story?" he raised his eyes at Nandini who simply smirked.

"I thought it would come up when u meet my friends in London. But since it didn't, I have no intention of letting u know! "

"Well Manik... I literally love ur wife. U have got quite a catch out here."
The girl said to Manik making him give a smug smile down towards Nandini.

"That I do!"

"Stop being so cocky..."
Nandini muttered elbowing him as the three of them chuckled.

"By the way Nandini, I really think we are gonna be great friends. Why don't we hang out sometime in Mumbai?"
She said smiling at Nandini, who smiled back, with a nod.

"Oh I'd love to..."

"Great I'll get ur number from Manik later and give u a call sometime!"
She replied again before turning around and walking away meeting people along the way.

"Well, u seemed to hit it off well with her!" Manik said as he turned Nandini as they made their way towards their friends.

"Yeah, she seemed a nice person."

"I don't know her much, but I have heard she is good. So u gonna meet her later."

"At ur events? Sure! Otherwise, I m not so sure! We'll see when it comes to that. I'd rather have her as a social friend than a personal one."
Nandini replied with a shrug making Manik chuckle as he shook his head.

"Wouldn't u like that with everyone?"

"Hey, I know u r saying that I don't make friends. But that's not true, I became friends with You, we wouldn't be here if I didn't."

Manik raised his eyes at her in amusement.
"U really want to go there?? How we became friends!"

Nandini rolled her eyes at him, not hiding her smile.
"Yeah yeah whatever... So u had to do some work! But what u do have to complain, it led to u getting laid last night."

Manik choked on his drink at her words as his eyed broadened,
"I can't believe u just said that!"

Nandini smirked at him with a wink, "I sure did!"

Manik gulped once as they continued walking until he murmured to himself,
"God, what did I marry into!"

"What did u marry into?" he heard someone ask him and looked up to realise that they had reach Fab4 and Ayan, who asked him the question.

"I just saw what kind of a badass my wife could be..."

Nandini bit her lip to stop her chuckle, when she saw Ayan raise his eyes at Manik. Manik was about to say something when she forlded her arms in front of her.
"That is all u r getting out of him Ayan! Sorry..."

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