Part 25

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Nandini drove to the Malhotra Mansion directly and reached there soon. She got out of her car on the door itself and passed on the key to the guard.
Nandini: Plz can u get the car parked for me...

The guard nodded at her, acknowledging her as Nandini moved towards the house. She stood in front of the glass door and rang the bell. Waiting for it to be answered, she saw herself on the glass and frowned as she muttered to herself,
Nandini: What was I thinking? Uncle and Aunty might also be at home, I look so crappy!!

 Waiting for it to be answered, she saw herself on the glass and frowned as she muttered to herself,Nandini: What was I thinking? Uncle and Aunty might also be at home, I look so crappy!!

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Just then the door was opened and a servant smiled at her.
Servant: Good evening Ma'am!

Nandini: Hello... Is Manik Home?
Nandini asked him, walking inside. The old servant nodded at her, his smile flattening a bit.

Servant: He hasn't left his room all day...

Nandini stopped walking frowning at his words and was about to ask him something when she heard a voice,
Nyonika: Nandini...

Nandini turned around to see Nyonika walking down the stairs with Harsh, both of them seemed to be ready to go out somewhere.

Nandini: Good evening Aunty, Good evening Uncle....

Nyonika: What a pleasant surprise!! If I knew u r coming then I would hv stayed back home, and cooked something for u.
Nyonika said as she reached downstairs and stood directly in front of Nandini.

Nandini smiled broadly at her endearment.
Nandini: Its ohk Aunty... I might trouble u with that some other day. I just dropped by to meet Manik, he hasn't been picking up my calls the entire day.

Nyonika's smile disappeared by his name as she said softly,
Nyonika: He is just not himself today. U may try but I m not sure if he will open up his door or not.... Cabir too tired this morning!

Harsh: Nyonika....
Harsh said softly patting over his wife's shoulder. Nyonika nodded at him slowly as she gave Nandini a small smile.

Nyonika: Anyways... We r getting a bit late dear! I'll see u soon... Probably on Sunday!
Nyonika said as she walked ahead with Harsh.

Nandini: Sunday??

Nyonika: Ohh yes... I forgot to tell u, there is small pooja on sunday evening, I would like it if u come by... Anyways see u!!
And before Nandini could say anything they were off to wherever they were going.

Nandini: Ohk.... Lets kick someone's ass now Nandini Moorthy!
She muttered to herself as she walked upstairs towards Manik's room. She reached his room to hear rustling voice from inside as if things were being thrown on the bed. She thought what could it be as she knocked on the door.

Manik: I don't need anything.... Take it away!
Manik shouted from inside making her flinch.

She took a deep breath as she knocked again.
Manik: I said I don't-

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