Part 63

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Nandini: Home sweet Home..... Its so good to be back!
Nandini said as she kicked off her shoes on a side and jumped onto her bed.

Manik chuckled at her, keeping his wallet and keys on the table as he sat by her side.
Nandini: I m so glad its Sunday tmrw! I m in no mood to go out the entire day.

Manik: Enjoy it while u can Mrs. Malhotra! We have strict instructions to stay at the Malhotra Mansion the next entire week.

Nandini sighed at his words, moving her head off the bed to his lap,
Nandini: That's home too!!! I hv no problem even if we have to stay there longer.

A smile crept over Manik's face as he caressed her hair,
Manik: Its late... U need something or u r ready for bed?

Nandini shook her head and got up,
Nandini: I just have to freshen up! My pajamas must be missing me.

Manik chuckled at her as he saw her walk into the washroom. He too went to his room and freshened up before the two of them wished each other good night and were off to bed.

Nandini lied down on the bed, feeling too tired and snuggled into her duvet. Tossing an turning in the bed for about an hour made her groan in frustration as sleep couldn't come to her.

Finally sighing in defeat she got up from her bed deciding to have a cup of coffee for her growing headache. Walking out of the room, she gaze fell on the room in front of her which had its door open as she saw Manik sleeping peacefully. A broad smile crept on her face as she walked straight into the room. Talking hold of Manik's arm and pulling it away, she lied down resting her head on his chest, before wrapping his arm around herself.

A sigh erupted her mouth, finding the warmth of his body spread through hers. And before she knew it, sleep took over her.

The next morning, Manik groaned at the sun light peeping into the room as he buried his face lower into her hair. Nandini too stirred awake at his voice, her face snuggling closer into his chest.
Nandini: Manik... Shut the curtains na!

Manik: I m tired... U do it!

Nandini: No u do it...

Manik: Nandini yr...
Manik groaned still not getting up when Nandini pulled the duvet up, all the way above their heads, blocking out the light.

Manik sighed at it and held her tighter into his arms while Nandini attempted to go back to sleep but failed. She simply lay their with her eyes closed until she felt Manik's gaze on her and opened up her eyes to his sleepy ones.

Manik: What r u doing here? Last I remembered u went off to sleep on ur bed.
Nandini shook her head at his words as she snuggled closer to him again, resting her head on his chest.

Nandini: This has been my bed for the last month. Its too warm and comfortable for me to leave it. Now u don't have any option but to bare me for a few days till I get used to that cold plain bed back again.

Manik chuckled at her words, holding her close as he shrugged,
Manik: Take as long as u want, U won't find me complaining...

Nandini nodded at him, resting her head back onto his chest. They stayed like that in silence for sometime before Nandini spoke up,
Nandini: What do u want for breakfast?? I wish to cook something!

Manik: Umn.... Whatever u wish!! Surprise me?

Nandini: Great...
Nandini said as she jumped up from the bed.

Nandini: By the way.... Good morning to u too!
She said with a wink as she walked out of the room. She went to her room and freshened up before walking straight into the kitchen looking for something to make. She smiled broadly looking at the kitchen all stocked up, and understood that Nyonika would have asked the servant to do so for them.

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