Part 37

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Later that day, Manik parked the car in front of the Kapoor Mansion and got down the car moving towards the other side as he opened up the door for Nandini.

Nandini: Thanks...
Nandini said getting out, when Manik smiled at her shaking his head. She looked ahead towards her house and was about to move in when manik held her hand.

Manik: I hv something to ask u!

Nandini looked up at his serious tone and raised her eyes,
Nandini: What?

Manik: Umn... I... Why did u... Why did u say Yes Nandini?
He fumbled a couple of times and asked,

Nandini: Yes for what?

Manik: For this marriage!

A smile crept over Nandini's face at his question before she shook her head.
Nandini: That's not important.... The important question is, why do U think I did?

Manik sighed at her words before leaning back at the car with her right in front of him.
Manik: What do u want me to think Nandini? Sometimes u become so closed, that it gets really difficult to know what's going on in ur head. That night I said so much and u didn't say even a word and then u started ignoring me, I actually thought I lost u before u suddenly came up and agreed.... Its all so confusing.

Nandini: Nothing is confusing Manik.... U r just thinking it too much! I know one of ur major reasons was to help me get rid of this house but I want u to know one thing Manik. I hv spent 20 years of my life being associated with them and fighting for myself, and clearly I still feel if it comes to that, I can continue doing so my entire life coz even though u don't agree to me, but I still hv hope.

Manik shook his head trying to speak up when Nandini stepped closer to him placing a hand on his heart.

Nandini: I said Yes for this Manik.... For You! If there is anyone whom I hv been able to open up its u... I was the girl who didn't even trust her own self Manik, and today can close my eyes and walk on the edge of a 100 floor building, coz I Know U won't let Anything happen to me..... In all these years, there was no other person who cared enough and managed to look behind this smiling face. U did!!!! U r the most amazing friend in this entire world, and I can't find anyone better than u to spend my life with.

The day I met ur family, believe me Manik I hvn't craved for my family to this extent ever before that. And now, hving them as Mine..... What else could a girl wish for? I got everything, just bcoz some Stupid Smart Ass Guy couldn't keep his nose into his own business and decided to get into mine.

Manik chuckled at her words shaking his head when Nandini hit the side of his head.

Nandini: Now stop thinking so much and go get some sleep.

Manik smiled at it and got into the car when nandini bent down onto the window,
Nandini: I'll see u tmrw mrng, Mom msged me, she wants to take us to book the venue and finalize everything according too our choice.

Manik: So soon?
Manik raised his eyebrows at her.

Nandini: Mr. Malhotra... Usually wedding venues hv to be booked at least 2-3 months prior, but then in our case u actually hvn't given us that much time right?

Manik looked at her guiltily with a cheeky smile before his gaze moved behind her and his face hardened. Nandini looked at him confused before following his gaze and turning around to find Mr. Kapoor standing at the door, seeing off his manager.

Manik: U didn't tell me they were back!

Nandini: Umn.... They just got back today only... Anyways, I think u should go! I'll see u tmrw, okay?

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