Part 66

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Sorry Sorry Sorry!!!
I know I m late! No need to remind me of that....

Bare with my bad timings and enjoy the update! Don't forget to comment about ur views!!!

Lots of Love💕💕💕


Nandini: Manik I m fine... U need to stop hovering around!
Nandini groaned making Manik glare at her for the hundredth time as he bent lower and touched her forehead to check her temperature.

Manik: U r still warm! U must be cold, I'll get u another blanket.

Nandini: Urgh... No! I m fine, just relax for a bit, will u? Anyways, I don't need it coz I m gonna just get up and freshen up. I stink of puke and I wanna change....

Manik: Shut up Nandini.... Just keep on lying there. It was just half an hour ago that u were barely able to stand on ur own.
Manik said sternly but softly making her groan.

Nandini: But I stink!!
Nandini whined as Manik sighed shaking his head. He got up from her side, pulling her blankets to a side as he wrapped his right arm under her knees and the other on her back, lifting her up in Bridal style.

Nandini clinged onto him because of his sudden move as he walked straight into the closet. Making her sit on the chair in the middle, he threw a towel towards her and turned towards her side, to pull out some clothes for her.

Manik: This?
He asked picking up one of her casual home clothes.

Nandini: No...
Nandini cringed looking at it and turned away before seeing one of Manik's T-shirts kept on her left as she pulled it out.

Nandini: This... Just pick out some shorts from my side!

Manik: That's my T-shirt...
Manik said raising his brows as her back as Nandini shrugged.

Nandini: I like it. Ur clothes are always cozy and warm.

A smile crept onto Manik's face at her casual comment, as he turned to the other side hiding it from her and looked for her shorts.

Manik: Where are ur shorts?

Nandini: Bottom left!
He heard her say as he leaned down and ruffled through her stuff to find the said pair of shorts. Moving her stuff here and there, his fingers layed on the bright red piece of cloth kept at the back, almost hidden from everyone's eyes. He pulled out the cloth only to cough out loud as he realized what it was. He controlled himself and cleared his throat before turning to face Nandini with the dress material in his hands.

Manik: Umn... Nandini??

Nandini turned to look up at him only to broaden her eyes as she took in the image of him holding up the little piece of lingerie that she had bought before their trip.

Nandini: Manik.... Put that back!She snapped at him, she voice coming out shrilled on her utter embarrassment.

Manik: Umn.. U... Umn, This?
Manik spoke up in a question yet curiosity seemed clear in his voice making Nandini shake her head.

Nandini: What?? Curious? Embarrassed? Yeah, now imagine ur Mom standing by my side in a store full of these as she picked out which one would her son like the most!

Nandini said lying to him about Nyonika selecting but still just the fact that her mother-in-law took her to Victoria's Secret was enough for her. She saw a similar reaction on Manik as his eyes broadened and the tips of his ears turned red making nandini smirk,Nandini: And just for ur information, that red one was her first choice!

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