Part 46

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Ohk so.... I m anxious today!

Wanna know why?
Well.... Its bcoz of U all....

I m just so much overwhelmed by ur response in the last update. I usually read them after posting up the next update but this time I read it beforehand and I don't really know if I would be able to stand up to all ur expectations in this part...

Thank u guys for all the love.... And yes, do comment whatever u feel about this part!😘

The Malhotra Mansion was bursting with Happiness, Laughter and Good wishes as the couple greeted the guests.

Only a limited number of people were invited consisted mainly close friends and family. Nandini being unknown to most of them was gladly moving with Nyonika as she was being introduced to the Malhotra's relatives.  Her gaze kept on shifting to Manik every few minutes, who was found looking at her most of the times.

Nyonika: Come I'll introduce u to my Mother.... She has been too eager to meet u!
Nyonika gushed as she held Nandini's hand and took her to the other end of the hall. She sat next to an old lady sitting there and smiled,

Nyonika: Maa.... Meet Nandini!

The lady looked up at her words and smiled broadly,
"My Manu's girl!!!!"

Nandini blushed profusely at her words bending down as the lady kissed her forehead.

Nyonika smiled and patted at her side asking Nandini to take a seat between them.
"She is very Beautiful...."
The lady said to Nyonika making Nandini blush further.

Nandini: Thank u Nani Ji....

"Now u will be in my team ohk and u will have to make sure Manu comes to see me every few days, that guy doesn't listen to me at all..."

Nandini chuckled at her words and nodded.
Nandini: Ohk Nani Ji... I promise I will get him to u, whenever u want!

Rishab walked towards them and interrupted their conversation,
Rishab: Di....

Nandini looked up at him and smiled, introducing him to Nani. Rishab greeted her by touching her feet and then turned towards Nandini,

Rishab: Di, Mom is calling u!

Nandini's smile reduced at his words but she got up excusing herself from the ladies. They walked towards Mrs. K while Nandini noticed Mr. K with a few business associates at the other side of the house. As she reached near Mrs. K, she held her arm pulling her towards a corner,

Mrs. K: What are they doing here?
She asked through gritted teeth making Nandini follow her line of sight to see her talking about Aliya and her parents.

Nandini: Why would they not be here? They are my family and my friend's parents...

Mrs. K: And the people who abandoned ur Mother....

Nandini scoffed at her words, pulling her arm out of his grip,
Nandini: Abandoned.... Seriously? And which Mother are u actually talking about?

Mrs. K: Nandini... I-
Mrs. K started angrily only to stop as Nandini saw her gaze fixed behind her. Nandini turned around to see Aliya's father standing there glaring at Mrs. K.

Nandini smiled softly at him, making his gaze soften towards her as he hugged her slightly,
Aliya's Dad: Congratulations Nandu!

Nandini: Thank u Mama Ji....
Nandini whispered back at him when she heard Mrs. K scoff at her endearment for him.

She looked up to see the two elders glaring at each other while she stood in between them, dreading for any drama that could occur.

Aliya's Dad: So finally we meet.

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