Part 54

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The next two weeks passed on in a blur for both Manik and Nandini. They were neck deep immersed in work all day. Nandini was being a little too over paranoid about everything as the day of the Grand Opening came closer. 

It was her first major project, and on top of that Harsh had made her the head instead of Manik. Though the idea of heading such a project seemed very exciting to her when it was given to her a few weeks before they got married but now, she couldn't help but feel stressed out about being able to stand up to the expectations. 

The last thing she wanted was everyone to be thinking that she got the project because of being a member of the Malhotra Family and that she didn't deserve it. She had spent day and night making sure everything was the way it should be and now that the big day was finally there she could literally feel her heart beating out of her chest.

Manik had tried his best to calm her down, again and again letting her know that she had done a great job. But Nandini didn't quite believe his words,

"U r just being biased!"

She knew he was trying to make her feel good, but then that was what made her feel even more stressed. To say the least, Nandini spent the big day rubbing her hands together and tapping her legs on the floor continuously. 

The event went on as a big success, Harsh was the person who was more proud of her than anyone else. While, Nandini just simply kept on thanking him and asking him if he actually meant it.

Her questions were answered automatically when the next day, she saw the headlines of the Business Times stating not too sarcastically, "The Daughter-in-Law finally proves her capabilities and Shuts thousands of mouths."

Well, Manik had been angry at the news, Nandini somehow seemed to be quite happy as it was finally an peaceful end to her nervous mind. That day at work, she finally received the praises open-heartedly from the entire staff, being fully assured now that they were being genuine and not just paying her the curtsy. 

Even Harsh, to her surprise, was pissed off at the sarcastic headlines when she caught him on a phone call with the PR person of the Company. Anyways after the hectic two weeks full of work, she couldn't be more thankful when she got an extra day to relax when Harsh asked the entire staff to take an off on Friday as well along with their usual weekends. Thus, after a silent take out dinner with Manik, in front of the TV Nandini was enjoying her peaceful sleep until the shrieking door bell woke her up.

Nandini: Urgh! Why can't people let me sleep yr!

She ignored the doorbell knowing Manik would get up and open the door until she heard it go on two more times making her groan louder. Getting out of her comfortable bed, Nandini got up and glanced at the bed side clock to find it to be 10 in the morning, but she couldn't care any less today coz it was her day off. She glanced at the mirror and saw herself dressed in her casual night dress and moved into the closet to wear something over it. The doorbell went off again making her pick up one of Manik's plain black Shirts as she hurried out towards the door. She pulled the shirt over her arms and held it up, leaving the buttons open before she finally opened up the door without even checking who is outside and thus broadening her eyes as her early morning guest smiled at her.

Nandini: Mom...

Nyonika: Good Morning dear! Were u guys still sleeping? Did I come too early?

Nandini: Ohh no no Mom... Come on in! We both were just being lazy today and slept so late.
Nandini smiled at her genuinely and opened the door further. Nyonika walked inside as she kept her bag on the table and Nandini closed the door. 

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