Part 96

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Somehow managing to drag Nandini out of her cabin, Manik drove them home later that day. It was 8 in the evening, which was actually quite late compared to their usual time, but still, his dear wife wasn't pleased.

Manik: Nandini...

Nandini: Hmn!

Manik: Cheer up will u? Don't be mad, please.

Nandini: U should have thought of that when u literally threw me over your shoulder and got me out.

Manik controlled his laughter as he replied simply,
Manik: In my defense... I did ask u politely for about 5 times, but u just weren't ready.

Nandini: Of course I wasn't... Don't u realize how much work is left and that too in such a small period of time! I have so much to do.

Manik: I know and I m here to help u in all of it. I asked u this evening as well, but u r just so adamant about doing it all urself. And moreover, I have clear instructions from Dad, not to let u overwork urself, and I fully intend to look on this matter very seriously.

Nandini smiled softly at his care but hid her face behind the curtain of her hair.
Manik: U should have seen Dad's happiness this afternoon. He was practically on the top of the world and it was all because of you.

Nandini: No... Not because of me, but because of us. And I m glad that he was happy.
Nandini said moving her hand to place it on top of his, which was resting on her thigh.

Manik: Anyway, as I was saying today it was just the first day and I know it is just gonna get crazy from here but I want u to promise me that u r gonna take care of urself, and I m probably going to drag u out every day in the same way so I don't want u getting angry daily, just know that I'm looking out for u here okay?

Nandini: Yeah yeah I know!
Nandini replied sarcastically making manik shake his head at her.

Nandini: Mom called this evening!
Nandini told him after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

Manik: She did? What did she say?
Manik asked her casually.

Nandini: Dad told her about it. She was literally in tears!
Manik turned to look at her to find a small smile on her face even though her eyes were moist.

Manik: She said something to u?

Nandini: We didn't talk much coz she disconnected soon knowing that I was in the middle of something but it was more than enough for me!
She whispered softly tightening her hold on her hand. Manik didn't say anything in reply as he simply pulled up the car in a parking lot making Nandini look around in confusion.

Nandini: Why are we stopping here?

Manik: There is no way I m letting u cook after the day that u just day, so I thought why not eat outside!

Nandini chuckled at it and shook her head,
Nandini: Why don't u say it directly that u were feeling too lazy to help me cook and u didn't want to feel the guilt of watching me do the work alone so u decided this!

Manik: Sometimes I hate the fact that u know me so well!

Laughing at him, Nandini got out of the car as the valet opened up her door. She thanked him softly just as Manik walked around the car wrapping his arm around her and handing the car keys off to the guy.

Manik: Come on!

They walked inside the massive restaurant as nandini leaned closer and whispered to him,
Nandini: U guys getting so super famous has its own drawbacks! I miss our little dinners at small cozy restaurants or cafes.

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