Part 86

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Who is the most luckiest person in this world? The one who has everything? No.... The one who is happy. In this world of ever growing needs and competition, being content with where one stands makes him the most luckiest person ever.

We look around us these days to find nothing but desires. The poor is wishing for more money and a quality life. The rich is looking for some peace of mind coz he is just too stressed in all his work. A healthy person is ignoring his body and looking for something more. While some specially challenged guy is looking down at himself in despair.

So that's the answer.... The most luckiest person is the one who is happy with what he has and with where he is. Yes, Manik Malhotra is a lucky one.

He has everything he could have ever wished for. He is doing great in his Music, living a dream with his Friends. He is excelling in business doing everything he can to fulfill his father's dream and taking the company to new heights with the support of his wife. He has his parents right behind him, tapping his back in encouragement, showering him with all the love and care. And to top it all he has an amazing partner by his side, whom he loves more than anything.

It had been 3 months since the construction of the hotel started and even though it wasn't her area of work, Nandini was the one who has taken up all the work under herself. She was keeping an eye on the progress and it was in full swing with her guidance. The two of them had been super busy all this time, as Manik's time with Fab5 had increased ever since the tour which made him very successful, while Nandini didn't her time with the hotel work.

A soft kiss on his forehead with small beads of water touching his face woke him up from his deep slumber as he inhaled the most favorite scent of his.
"Good Morning!"
Came a melodious whisper as he hummed.

"Time to wake up..."

A smile crept onto his lips ever so slowly as he moved his arm upwards and before nandini knew, she was lying on top of him and the very next second he rolled over putting himself above her when he finally opened up his eyes to watch her flushed face.

Manik: Now that's a good morning...

Nandini chuckled at him wrapping her arms around his neck,
Nandini: U seem in an amazing mood this morning Mr. Malhotra! Anything special??

Manik: Hmn, Let me see... Maybe it has to do something with my wife waking me up after almost a week where I hardly got to see her ever.
Nandini raised her eyes at him,
Nandini: Hey... I wake u up every morning!

Manik: Yes, U do! But lately u have been running so much in this project that I usually woke up to the warning of having my ass kicked if I don't leave the bed.

Nandini laughed at this, in turn making manik forget everything else as he stared at her glowing face filled up with happiness. The early morning shine visible on her face with the freshness of the bath that she just had was enough to mesmerize him as he bent closer, smashing his lips right onto hers drinking in all her laughter. Nandini's arms tightened around his neck as she kissed him back, with equal intensity. And within seconds the two of them were full on tongues and lips with hers arms pulling him closer as he supported his weight over her with an arm by her side while his other hand was still tight around his waist, leaving no space between the two of them.

They heard a vioce making them break apart immediately as Manik moved off Nandini only to see all there friends standing at the door of their room with their eyes broad.

Manik: What the Fuck...
Manik shouted in bewilderment at their presence.

Cabir: Thank god u guys were just kissing! For a second I almost thought that I walked in on the two of u having-

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