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Hello People!!! I AM BACK....

Is this story still somewhere in your library? Wow!

Thanks guys...

So yes, I am back! Spend too much time away from Wattpad yr, couldn't stop myself this time from opening this app. Well, the past couple of months have been crazy. 

No drastic changes as such. Work is still going on full-fledged, I am still regretting starting up my MBA along with my job :P
I deliberately stayed away from Wattpad, trying not to spend much time lost in my dream world thinking of random plots. Didn't work much though

Anyways, things did change a bit. Moving away from writing, I got time to get back to a few of my other hobbies, like painting, sketching and reading more. Achieved a bit more in work. Finally managed to make my first trip in 2 years, damn Goa is amazing, can't wait to go back. But all in all, I still miss writing!

So here I am... 

Some time back I had a talk with my manager at work, who told me that the Work From Home is finally ending. I have been asked to move to Bangalore by July. And Here's a fact, if I don't get back to writing now, I probably never will. If I am still writing when I move, then I am hoping it will be easier to continue.

I know things would change a lot once I am away from home, and something inside me is still wanting to stick to the old me. The part that loves to stay awake during the night and write some random plots, which I later turn into a story. I don't want to let her go. My last story went on for 3 years, I am sure the next one could go on at least half of that time. Last time, it was you all who motivated me to continue, and I am hoping to have the same kind of motivation this time as well. 

Anyone still interested in a new story?

You guys wanted Manan back... Are we still in agreement for that?

This is just me ranting out my thoughts in front of all you beautiful people. And I am sure, I will be cringing at this within an hour. So before that happens, I am just gonna go ahead and post this up. Do let me know your thoughts people!



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