Part 26

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Manik: Put ur feet down Nandini!
Manik muttered for the fifth time in past half an hour.

Nandini turned towards him smiling brightly but kept her legs intact over the dashboard. He simply rolled his eyes at it knowing she was simply trying to mess around with him.

Nandini: U know what to do to get my feet down!!
Nandini said in a sing along tone which he ignored.

As they left the Kapoor Mansion, it kinda lead to half an hour of complete silence into the car, with none of the two saying anything until Nandini finally broke the ice to ask him where were they headed to. Again Manik refused to tell her anything which made her try to do something or the other to irritate him and make him tell her.

She straightened down her seats back rest, lying down straight over it, lifting up her legs on the dashboard as she opened up some game on her phone to pass her time.

Nandini groaned again as he didn't tell her anything. It had been an hour of sitting there as it is, she kept down her phone and looked over to Manik. And just the look on his face was enough to make her feel guilty. She knew there was something wrong with him and all she wanted was to cheer him up and distract his attention, but she was failing miserably.

She didn't realise when sleep took over to her while looking up at him.

Manik's pov:

It was as if suddenly the silence seemed too much to handle. I had heard Nandini groan in annoyance when I refused to tell her where we were going but after that she had been surprisingly quite.

I peeked over my shoulder to catch a glimpse at her in curiosity to find her sleeping on the seat in an uncomfortable position. Pulling down the breaks softly, I stopped the car at a side as I bent towards her, tilting her head in a much comfortable way and saw relief spread over her face as she snuggled her hands under her face. Removing my jacket, I wrapped it around her petite figure carefully not willing to wake her up. I moved back to my original position and tightened my dear belt again as I turned the AC temperature a bit up to make it soothing for her, before starting the car again.

I didn't know why was I even taking her along with me. For one, she doesn't even know what's going on. I was kinda relieved when she said that she won't ask me anything. I knew she was dying to know everything but she was just trying to give me my own space. She couldn't even begin to know how much that support meant to me.

When she asked me, if she could come along, I instantly refused. This has always been something that I do alone and I wasn't sure if I was ready to let anyone know this. But something within me stirred at her request. She had nothing to do with it, and still she was ready to come along, just to be there for me.

Her hug was the one full of concern and even if I wasn't in a mood to say anything, I felt it necessary to tell her not to worry for me. I don't know what it is, but Nandini has taken up a place in my life that makes me wanna answer her. She has proved to be the best friend herself that she usually calls me.

And somehow, I guess that was the reason why I suddenly decided to take her along. I just knew I wouldn't be able to get my mind off her and her family, which probably should be the last thing to be concerned about at this point. Maybe hving her there with me, can at least take one thing off my shoulder.

Pov ends!

Nandini woke up about an hour later listening to Manik's voice as he softly patted her cheek.

Manik: Nandini... Wake up!!

She opened up her eyes slowly, adjusting herself into the darkness of the car when she noticed Manik standing outside the car, right by her door.

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