Part 80

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Manik: Good night guys!

Manik wished all his friends as they walked out of his room late that night at around 2 am, after they all finished their dinner.

Cabir: Thank god it's an off tomorrow. I think I need to sleep for two days straight. I don't care what happens, no one should wake me up tmrw. Umn... On second thoughts, wake me up when there is food.

All of them chuckled at him as Mukti smacked the back of his head and pulled him along, not before calling out.
Mukti: Happy birthday Manik...

Manik: Thanks!
Manik replied to her, watching all of them enter their rooms as he too entered his and closed the door behind him. He turned around only to find his wife clearing up the mess on the table. A smile crept onto his lips as he walked ahead immediately wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her close, her back connecting with his chest.

He took in a deep breath in her hair, closing his eyes at the very familiar sandalwood scent,
Manik: God, I missed you so much...

Nandini too closed her eyes as she smiled, moving her hand over his, just letting the silence tell him that the feeling was very mutual.

Manik: I m literally never going on any tours from now on, either u come with me, or I skip it altogether.

Nandini chuckled at him before turning to face him and moving her arms around his neck.
Nandini: Never??

Manik: Nope...

Nandini: And what if there is some super amazing opportunity for Fab5, and ur friends need u to be there.

Manik: Work-Life Balance my dear... U can't blame me when I m trying to make the things right.
Manik said smiling at her as he rested his forehead on hers. Nandini too smiled before a yawn unintentionally escaped her mouth making Manik smile broader.

Manik: Come on... U seem tired!

Nandini simply nodded at him, not arguing with him. Manik walked into the washroom to freshen up while Nandini headed over to her bags. Both of them changed, as Nandini wore a pair of simple cotton shorts and a t-shirt while Manik simply got into a pair of tracks and decided to skip the shirt as he lay on the bed. Nandini turned off the lights, before laying down beside him as he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. She rested her head over his chest.

Nandini: Hmn... Now I'll finally get some nice sleep.

Manik: Same here babe... Same here! I missed u so much all these days, half of the time I wished for work to never end to avoid being free.

Nandini nodded at this before looking up at him.
Nandini: I did the same... But that reminds me, I have some news for u!

Manik: Hmn?

Nandini: We start the construction process for the hotel in two days!! All the work is done. I got the land cleared off, all the government official permissions too are done and so are the designs.

Manik's eyes broadened at this as he looked down at her,
Manik: U got all the permissions done! How?

Nandini smirked at him and smiled,
Nandini: Let's just say three days filled up with endless runs between those offices and continuous supply of coffee got it done.

Manik: U never fail to surprise me! All this wasn't even ur work.

Nandini: Ur work, my work! How does it matter? The major point out here is that now if everything goes according to plan, we'll be able to open it up sometime in the next year.

Manik: Knowing u... Its gonna be done much before time. Once u think something, u make it happen anyhow!

Nandini simply smiled at him before lying back onto his chest.
Nandini: I can do nothing without ur support. But now enough work talk!

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