Part 103

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Hello people...I'm back! 

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! And before everything else, I would like to thank all of you for being so kind all this while. I logged onto Wattpad this morning, after almost two months and I can't even express my emotions when I noticed the number of dm's waiting for me, not to forget the comments on the story and on my profile as well. The majority of which were filled with concerns about my wellness and not about returning for this part. I have not been able to reply to any of you out there as I directly got onto writing this part, but I would like to thank you all for those small messages, which actually meant the world to me.

So yes, I got the wind of Corona, things went pity bad. I was hospitalized for about 22 days, as the freaking virus grabbed me up real tight. Every time the docs tested me, hoping for it to be negative, the damned reports came up with the + symbol. Long story short, the past few months have been hell, and once I got back it just didn't work out for me to continue writing. I mean this entire thing just turned into such a big break that I feel my usual connection to the story missing. It's like my story isn't just mine anymore.

So, after thinking about it a lot. I have decided that it's time for me to move on from "Love... What Bullshit!". I'm not cruel enough to leave it just as it is, but there are just going to be 2 or 3 more parts to this story. I hope you all like whatever is left to this story.

Lot's of love,


Nandini: Manik... Listen na!

Manik: Hmn...

Nandini: Manik...

Manik: Yes Nandini!

Nandini turned around at his distracted tone to find him sitting on the bed with his eyes fixed on the laptop as he concentrated on his work. She huffed at it and threw the comb that she was holding at him, startling him.

Nandini: Manik, I'm calling you!

Manik noticed her sulking face and closed his laptop keeping it aside as he walked closer to her wrapping his arms around her.
Manik: I'm sorry! Now I m listening to you...

Nandini sighed as she looked at him through the mirror.
Nandini: It's nothing. I m sorry for snapping unnecessarily. 

Manik frowned a little before holding her hand as he slowly turned her to face him and held both her hands.
Manik: Even if it is nothing... I wanna know!

Nandini: My clothes don't fit me anymore... I look fat!

Manik looked down at her and shook his head as he moved his hand caressing her now slightly visible baby bump.
Manik: U do not look fat Nandini... You look like the angel carrying our baby! 

Nandini didn't reply to him and simply looked down at herself. Taking it as a queue Manik continued,
Manik: And as far as clothes are concerned, I always like it better when you are dressed in my clothes, and I can guarantee you that my clothes will always fit you!

Nandini: Yeah, that's because you are a giraffe!
Nandini said with a scoff as a soft smile came onto her face. Manik chuckled at it as he walked to their closet and pulled out one of his T-shirts.

Manik: Giraffe or not! You still have no way to stay away from me.
Manik said moving back to stand in front of her as he wrapped his arms around her.

Nandini: And who said I wanted to stay away?

Manik gave her his signature smirk as he pulled her closer and kissed her forehead, before swiftly pulling her top over her head and pulling it away. Nandini gasped out loud as she jumped closer to him hiding into his chest.
Nandini: MANIK!!!

Love... What Bullshit!!!Where stories live. Discover now