Part 34

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Manik: So.....
Nandini suddenly heard Manik ask slowly as the two of us stood in the living room while the others moved ahead to leave. She stopped at her place and looked up at him.

Nandini: So?

Manik: Ready to get Married?
She saw him giving her a teasing smile making her hit his stomach.

Nandini: Stop teasing me u brat....
Nandini whined making him laugh as he stepped back saving himself from her.

Manik: Come on Nandini... U love me much more than that, U can't hit ur fiance' like this!!

Nandini simply glared at him but couldn't hide the small smile highlighting her face. Both of them continued looking at each other before Manik lifted up his hand in surrender.
Manik: Fine... I back out! U win....

Nandini smiled broadly at him and smirked,
Nandini: U never had a chance over me!

Manik waved off her words as he held her hand in his and whispered further,
Manik: Well, I m just glad... They believed us quite well!

Nandini: Yeah... I don't know how!!
Nandini said back much more to herself than to him before finally looking up,
Nandini: Manik this is it... We lied they believed! But after this.... I don't wanna lie further, lets try and be as much honest as we can from now.

Manik cupped her cheek before replying.
Manik: Hey... We don't hv to lie from here Nandini. We r getting married and its a Truth.

Nandini nodded softly at his words and smiled when they heard a voice.
"There u r.... I hv been waiting for u!"

Both of them looked up to see Rishab and Nyonika standing there at the door. Nandini immediately stepped back from Manik and picked up her bag,

Nandini: Yeah, lets go!

She glanced at Manik once more and walked towards Rishab.
Nandini: Bye Aunty, thanks for the dinner... Good night!

Nyonika: Good night my dear!
Nyonika smiled back at her as nandini and rishab moved ahead.

Nandini: Night Manik...
She called out casually without even turning around and Manik shouted back,

Manik: Good Night... Bye!

Soon the siblings walked away while Nyonika walked towards Manik.
Nyonika: U just made me the happiest person Today.... I m so happy for u son!

Manik: Thanks Mom... Its late, u should go take some rest!

Nyonika smiled at him with a nod and walked away. Manik too walked up the stairs until he heard Nyonika call him,

Manik: Yes Mom??

Nyonika: Invite her for breakfast tmrw mrng!

Manik: Sure...
Manik smiled at her before finally walking away.

Nyonika: These are so delicious.... I didn't know u cooked Nandini!
Nyonika said as they continued with their breakfast.

Nandini: Ohh I do, in fact I loved cooking....
Her voice getting softer at the end.

Nyonika: Loved?

Nandini: Umn.. I... I don't get time to do that quite often now!
Nandini said softly brushing off the topic while Manik stoped eating as he kept his hand on her knee under the table. Nandini looked up at him from her plate getting a soft encouraging smile from his side.

Nyonika: But u really didn't hv to get this for us!
Nyonika said in her cheerful voice not noticing their exchange.

Nandini smiled brightly, her mood lifting instantly at the change of the topic as she replied.
Nandini: Actually Rishab loves these scrambled egg tacos. Since it was just the two of us for breakfast, I decided to make these for him today. I was already half done by the time Manik called me, so I just got some here!

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