Part 56

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Ladies and Gentlemen, We are ready for take off... Please turn off all ur electronic devices and fasten ur seat belts. The cabin crew is there to help you if u need anything.

The announcement got over as Manik turned towards Nandini,
Manik: What happened? U r awfully quiet this morning!

Nandini sighed at his words before tightening the seat belt and reclining comfortably onto her seat.

Nandini: Nothing... I m just feeling drained out after all the drama last night. I didn't think I would say so, but I m glad for this break.

Manik nodded at her words,

Manik: Yeah I guess this is exactly what u needed...

Nandini: U know I still can't believe u are missing ur Album Launch for that stupid college event of mine!

Manik: Hey... I m not missing it for any event! I m missing it for our Honeymoon, how can there be anything more important than that.

Nandini rolled her eyes at the smugness in his voice as he stressed at the word 'Honeymoon' just the way Nyonika had been doing for the two of them.

Nandini: Yeah yeah... Our Oh so important honeymoon!

Manik: Come on don't be so sarcastic... I m sure u r gonna enjoy it. And as far as the Album Launch is concerned, it wasn't an individual album, it was just one song for the Movie, I don't think it was that necessary.

Nandini: As u say.... I just hope I don't receive any stressed out call from Cabir, about how much he misses u and how horny he gets in ur absence.

Manik: Oh please don't tell me Mukti has included u too in her mission of proving me and Cabir to be gays.

Manik groaned as Nandini chuckled at his expense.

Manik: Anyways, call reminds me... We have to get u a new phone as soon as we reach London.

Nandini: No ways! Now that I m finally taking a break, I m more than happy to be without a constant buzzing device in my pocket. I wanna spend a month free from the disease known as Mobile Phone.

Manik: Seriously?

Manik said surprised as he turned towards her trying to find out that she was joking, only to find her dead serious.

Nandini: Absolutely... I m not buying any phone for a Month. We'll just inform everyone at home to call us at ur number and all the other official stuff I'll handle from my laptop, i.e., if I have to work on something.

Manik: Wow... A month without a Mobile Phone in 2019, lets see how long u go on with this madam.

Manik smirked at her making Nandini raise an eye-brow at him.

Nandini: Do I hear a challenge there Mr. Malhotra?

Manik: Oh yes u do Mrs. Malhotra...

Nandini: Knowing the past record of challenges between the two of us, it seems u haven't learned anything from the experiences, so be ready to loose again as always!

Manik smiled at her words as he saw her take out a Novel from her purse as she got to reading. Manik pulled up his headphones over his head as he drowned himself into some new Music.

The rest of the flight journey passed on well with the two of them chilling around, watching movies, eating and sleeping. The 11 hour flight finally came to an end when the two of them landed at the London Airport.

Nandini: 11 hours sitting at the same spot... No wonder I always hated coming to India.
Nandini groaned as she walked out of the flight with manik.

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