Part 40

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As Manik left the Kapoor Mansion, Rishab walked over to Nandini's room. He opened up the door slowly and peeked inside to find Nandini peacefully resting under the duvet. A smile crept on his face, as he softly closed the door again. Walking through the corridor his smile stayed intact.

Rishab: I m glad u found the person to actually get that peace on ur face Di!!

Moving on up the stairs his smile faded away instantly as he heard shouting voices from his parent's room.

Mr. K: How dare she just come to me with that fucking card?

Mrs. K: Why are u shouting at me? Even I m shocked by this as u are!

Mr. K: That is the problem na.... U should hv stopped this from happening, u should hv Bloody Known It!!!
A louder voice of glass breaking came through the door. It was quite usual for him as he knew how his parents could get when angry.

Mrs. K: And why should that just be me.... Neither of Us knew!

Mr. K: Right.... And how would we?? As if That Idiotic girl ever stays at home! What a freak? Always roaming around like a hippy....

Rishab closed his eyes listening to his father's words, sighing in dismay.

Mrs. K: What now?

Mr. K: What do u mean what now!!! This wedding can't happen.... Nandini has to get married to a guy of my choice, I want to get each and every penny for which I hv been waiting for years. That money is ours.... Not hers!

Anger busted within him at his father's words. He fisted his hands controlling himself before rushing to his room and banging the door close.

"Rishu..... Promise me today, no matter what! U will never interfere in between our matters..... They hv problems with me and I m capable enough to handle it, u don't need to worry, Okay! They love u, just remember that Always..."
Nandini's words revolved in his head as he tried to calm himself down.

Rishab: How Di... How can I not interfare knowing what all our own parents are going to do to u? I don't want u hurt again Di, not this time! Mom and Dad have already done enough harm to u before, and now when u r finally getting the happiness that u deserve, how can I let them snatch it away from u.

He lay there on his bed thinking about the conversation between his parents that he overheard.

"Rishu... Anything that happens between them and Me is not ur concern. I Love u, They Love u, this is the only thing that matters. I don't want u to miss the either of us and that is why its best for u to stay away."
Were her words the last time he tried to stand up against his parents for her.

The image of Nandini's laughing face from earlier that day when she had returned home came onto his mind. Just her happiness was enough to make him calm as he smiled knowing the reason for that happiness was just Manik. Having that as his only thought Rishab finally fell asleep.

The next day, Manik woke up early and decided to rush to Nandini's place ASAP. He got ready and was about to leave when Nyonika called him out.

Nyonika: Manik....

He stopped at the door and turned around facing her as she walked closer.

Nyonika: Good Morning.... Where are u running so early? Don't plan anything today okay, come have some breakfast we'll leave to pick up Nandini after that.

Manik: Umn... Mom! I need to rush. Why don't u have breakfast with Dad and till then I'll get back. I will also pick nandini up before u!

Manik said hurriedly and was about to go only to be pulled back again.

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