Part 71

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An entire update written and edited in just a a few hours, that too within a day of the last one being posted......
Woah, I m on role today!!!!

To all those people who literally pleaded me for the next update sooner. Here it is lovelies....

Send me as much love as u want for this... I sure do deserve it😜 (U'll know why!) Parcels and Amazon gift cards gladly accepted😅😅....

Go read on guys...
Hope u enjoy it! (Fingers crossed)

"U remember that one time a night before our engagement? When u came to get me from a small garden near Bandra Station! I think I need u to pick me again..... Plz come soon?"

Manik read the message for the fifth time as he waited for the lift to reach down in the parking lot. To say that he was nervous would be an understatement. He was literally bouncing on his feet from the moment he read the above message from her.

It was around 11 in the night and Manik was packing up his stuff, getting ready to go back home. This had been his usual time from the past 10 days. And then came this message, which had him running immediately. For two reasons exactly, One- this was the first message he had received from nandini in past 10 days, and Two- let's just say that the day she mentioned in the text was one of his least favorite days. That was the first and the last time Manik had seen her completely shattered and just the image of her sitting all soaked near the fountain makes him want to make sure that she never gets back there again.

Reaching the parking lot, Manik got into the car and rushed through the route he remembered only vaguely. Parking at the side of the garden a few minutes later, he ran inside. Running straight towards the fountain, he looked around frantically in the dark night trying to find her, when he heard her voice call him out.

Nandini: Manik!!!

He turned towards the voice and saw her sitting on a bench a little away, running closer to her he scanned her from top to bottom a few times before finally sighing out loud.

Nandini: Why are u so out of breath? Why were u running?

Manik rolled his eyes at her before taking a seat by her side and catching his breath.
Manik: Of-course I was running! U really haven't given me any good memories out here Nandini..... 

Nandini: Well that's a shame, coz if u ask me, I have a few of my most cherished memories from this small garden!
Nandini said in a cheerful tone, making Manik look at her in surprise. Not only was she talking to him, but she also sounded quite normal. Exactly the way she did before this entire chaos started between them.

Nandini: This garden is very close to my old home. The Moorthy Mansion!
Nandini informed him making Manik nod as realization dawned upto him.

Manik: Oh yes... Right!

Nandini: Appa used to get me here, It used to me 'Our Time'. Me running all around the place with him behind me, or sometimes me on his shoulder. U see that tree?
Nandini asked pointing towards a big old tree right in front of the fountain.

Manik: Hmn??

Nandini: There used to be a swing on that tree.... I would get onto it and Appa pushed me from the backside. He knew I loved watching the fountain from the moving swing. The water fascinated me too much!
Nandini said smiling broadly as she chuckled.

Manik: What happened then? Where is it?
Manik asked.

Nandini: huh... What?

Manik: The swing... Where did it go?
Manik asked her watching her smile turn into a small sad one, making him immediately regret his question.

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