Part 100

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And I m back....
You all gave such me such an amazing response in the last part, that I couldn't stop myself and managed to take out time to write. Well, it's almost 3 am and I have been writing and editing and writing this part continuously for the past few hours. Hope u all like it.

And yes, good night😅
(Please ignore the typos if u find any, I m actually quite sleepy)

Nandini: Moreover if we live here... The two of u would actually get a chance to relive Manik's childhood all over again.

A gasp left Nyonika's mouth as soon as she heard Nandini as she and Harsh stared at Manan in surprise. Nandini blushed furiously under their gaze while her husband stayed clueless as he rested on her lap with his eyes closed. 

It was only when Nyonika squealed in delight at he got startled only to open his eyes as Nyonika threw herself closer to them hugging Nandini, with him still lying in between.
Nyonika: Ohh my god... 

Harsh laughed out loud as he too got up just as nyonika moved away making Manik too sit up as he looked at them confused,
Manik: I didn't realize u guys wanted us to live here so badly!

He spoke up making all three of them laugh out loud as Nandini stood up making Harsh too pull her into a protective fatherly hug,
Harsh: Just when I start thinking that u can't give us anything more, u get up and bring something bigger and better every time.

Nandini smiled at his words still blushing as he broke the hug kissing her forehead as Manik too stood up. Nyonika did notice Nandini's smile turn into a nervous one as Harsh turned towards Manik hitting his arm,
Harsh: And to watch him acting like a kid himself! Who would have thought?

Nyonika understood that Manik had no idea about it, as she smiled and wrapped her arm around Nandini's shoulder.
Nyonika: Harsh... I don't think he still knows!

Harsh looked at Nandini with his eyes broadened, while Nandini simple looked down and nodded softly when Manik asked,
Manik: I don't know what? What's happening here?

Harsh: Well, we are going to get another little Manik running around us here real soon. U r gonna be a father u idiot...

Manik: Another me? That's stupi- Wait, What?
Manik spoke up finally letting the words seep in. As he turned towards Nandini almost cracking up his neck, so find her looking at him nervously.

Manik: I m- We- U r pregnant?

Nandini nodded softly at him while Manik was too shocked to give any reaction as her nervousness finally settled in his head.
Manik: Why didn't u tell me?

Nandini: I... I was nervous, scared even. Scared about ur reaction. We- We never did really discuss it, or talk about this, I didn't know if u even wanted a kid. I didn't know if u would actually be happy or-

Before she could even complete her sentence, she was already up in the air as Manik grabbed her and twirled her around.
Manik: Forget happy.. I m felling freaking ecstatic! 

Nandini: Manik... Put me down...
Nandini squealed clutching onto his arms in fear as a broad smile adorned her face by his reaction. Manik finally slowed down, letting her on her feet as he hugged her hard.

Manik: God, I love u so so much!!

He broke the hug before turning towards Harsh,
Manik: Dad, I m gonna be a Dad!!! Can u believe that? 

Harsh laughed out loud as Manik hugged him,
Harsh: Right now? No, I can't believe it.

Nandini couldn't control her smile, watching his happiness when Nyonika asked her,
Nyonika: Do u know how far along are u?

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