Part 97

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Warning: This part gets a bit steamy along the middle! I really do hope that we don't have anyone under the age of 12 out here. Hope u like the chapter!


The month passed on in a blur and before they knew it was only a week left for the Hotel Launch, i.e., the elder Malhotra's wedding anniversary.

Nandini: Aliya, I have seriously no time for any of this. I trust u and Mukti completely, as long as it fits, I m fine with anything u make for me.

Aliya: Come on Nandini... At least gimme an idea of what sort of a thing u like to wear.

Nandini: Ok Fine... How about something that has a bit of an Indian touch but is truly formal and gives proper party looks! I think u can work on well with that, now I have candidates waiting for me, I'll talk to u later, okay?

Aliya: But Nandini I-

Nandini: Bye Aliya!
Nandini told her before disconnecting the call as she smiled softly towards the line of waiting candidates for the interviews that were planned for the day. She walked straight into the room nodding at the members from the recruitment team who had been on that work since the morning.

She was currently at the hotel, which was now completely ready and sparkling. All the work was done including the furniture, the accessories, and all the stuff that was needed for the hotel to get a kick start. Nandini had contacted a hiring company at the start of the month, so the entire staff of the hotel came in from them, including the waiters, housekeeping staff, kitchen staff, etc. What was left for her was just the heads and the front desk. Having done with the selections for the heads, she was now looking for people on the front desks of each of the different sections of the hotel.

Nandini: How is it going?

The middle-aged man, who was appointed for the job looked over at his two colleagues and then turned towards Nandini before speaking up,
"Quite well Ma'am. We have the 15 best candidates waiting outside. There were quite a few good ones, now u can get on with them and make the final selections."

Nandini: Great... I don't want to delay it further. Let's get onto it immediately.

The men nodded at her as they got up and left the room. Nandini walked around the desk and took a seat at the head chair when her phone rang again. She pulled it out of her jacket, to find an incoming call from Cabir.
Nandini: Where are you?

Cabir: Hello to you too Ma'am!

Nandini rolled her eyes at him, checking the time and spoke up again,
Nandini: U were supposed to be here an hour back Cabir. Why is it that I m the only one here who takes work seriously?

Cabir: It is so because u somehow manage to sustain Manik's arguments, while the rest can't so we end up doing as he says which mostly is something entirely different than what u want. I really don't know where your compatibility goes when it comes to work.

Nandini: Cabir... Just get here Man, I need to leave as soon as I can to check up on the event management team. The party will seriously suck, if I end up leaving everything on them.
Nandini said groaning in frustration while Cabir chuckled.

Cabir: Well, it may not suck for others but I know u r not going to be satisfied until u step in.

Just as Nandini was about to argue with him, there was a knock at the door as the first candidate peeped in. Nandini nodded at him, letting him inside the room as she muttered to Cabir.
Nandini: I have to start with the interviews. Get here soon! Bye...

Cabir: Right... Bye!
Cabir replied simply disconnecting the call as Nandini kept her phone aside and gave a soft formal smile, moving her hand forward for a shake.

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