Part 99

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Nandini: Make sure that all the guests are taken to the banquet hall as soon as the main inauguration ceremony is done! I want no mistakes today.

Nandini spoke on her phone as she was rushing through the vast hotel lobby checking onto all the arrangements for the event. She disconnected the call on getting the appropriate answer and pointed out to the guy in front of here.
Nandini: The event is today! What are u waiting for? Go and keep this all near the stage.

Calling someone else on her phone she spoke up,
Nandini: Cabir... When is Pandit Ji getting here? The guests will start coming in within half an hour. 

Cabir: I m on my way to pick him Nandini... We'll be there on time.

Nandini: Ohk fine! See u...

She disconnected the call just as a voice called out her name, turning around she saw her lovely husband walking towards her.
Nandini: Manik... Did to talk to the security head, I hope everything is fine out there. No one is to enter without the invitation card.

Manik: Yes Yes Ma'am everything is done... Now, will u please stop worrying and go change. The guests will start coming in soon.

Nandini's eyes broadened at his words as she looked down at her worn-out pair of jeans and a casual yellow top

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Nandini's eyes broadened at his words as she looked down at her worn-out pair of jeans and a casual yellow top.
Nandini: Shit... I completely forgot about that. I should go get ready.

Manik: Yes... Go! I'll handle stuff here. Almost everything is already done! Relax...

Nandini looked around herself before nodding as she ticked off all the pending working mentally in her head before turning towards Manik.
Nandini: Mom-Dad?

Manik smiled at her and nodded,
Manik: I just got off the phone with Dad... They were just leaving. They'll be here soon.

Nandini: And everyone else? Fab5, Rishu?

Manik: God Nandini, relax... They know the time, they will be here!
Manik said shaking his head at her as he grabbed her shoulders making her look up at him,
Manik: Everything is going to be absolutely perfect. It has to be, after all u have worked almost day and night over this for months.

Nandini smiled at him as she got on her toes planting a chaste kiss on his cheek.
Nandini: I love u! Now just get someone to go and check the food arrangements and I will be back soon.

Manik: I love u too... Go!
Manik said giving her his special smile as Nandini turned around and got into the lift. She had already taken up one of the rooms knowing that she would need it to get ready. Reaching the room, she saw her clothes ready on the bed, just as she had left it a few hours back when she arrived.

Taking the bag, she freshened up real soon and changed before sitting in front of the mirror as she opened up the mini makeup set that Aliya had given her as an anniversary gift. Getting done with some basic makeup for the party, she curled her hair a bit from the end and grabbed her matching heels. Being completely ready in record time, she picked up her clutch and phone, before locking the room as she moved out again.

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