Part 53

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The next morning, Manik groaned in his sleep as he lifted his arm and shielded his eyes from the sun rays entering the room. Turning and tossing on the bed for a few minutes, he finally got frustrated as he got up and moved straight to the window, pulling the curtains close. 

He turned around rubbing his eyes from sleep when his gaze fell open the petite figure on the other side of his bed. A simple sigh escaped his mouth as he moved back onto the bed, sitting there as he moved his hand forward, tucking the loose strand of hair behind her ear. He caressed her face lightly, delighted at the feel of her soft skin under his fingers.

One major thing that he had learned about Nandini, in the two months of living with her, was that she spelt like a Baby and she absolutely Loved her sleep. Being out of the Kapoor Mansion now, she gave herself the liberty to increase her number of sleeping hours and Manik didn't dare to disturb her in that knowing how grumpy she would become after that.

He chuckled at it before planting a soft kiss on her temple as he moved to the washroom to freshen up.

Manik: Crazy Girl!
He whispered to himself with a smile. He moved into the closet to change into his workout clothes when he saw his tracks and vest ready onto the chair along with a spare towel while his shoes were right next to it beside the chair. A smile came onto his face knowing who would have kept it ready for him as he muttered to himself.

Manik: I don't know what I would do without her! 

Soon enough he found himself in the gym room as he ran on the treadmill with mind busy going on through how much his life had changed since they got married.

Earlier he used to hate having nothing to do and thus, he would always busy himself either in work or in Music and the rest of the time he would somehow convince his friends to go somewhere. The past few months before they got married, he would meet Nandini everyday after work roaming around somewhere or the other. He always thought that it was because Nandini wished to stay away from her house, but now he knew it was actually him who was always craving to spend more and more time with her. And now even when he spends almost every waking minute of his day with her, he didn't somehow seem to get himself to complain. 

Their was something about Nandini that no matter what, he could never get bored of her company. Their friends and family kept on gushing on how much deep the two of them are into each other. Its not like they ever actually tried to show them that, but still everyone believed it. Every now and then the word Love would pop up into his head, but then the same image of his dearest sister on her death bed would haunt him.

He tightened his jaw as the thought came to his mind. Love brought weakness along with it. It got misery and pain with it and he knew he would never want that for himself or for Nandini. He cared for her too much to make her go through the pain of being in love. Friendship, on the other side had always got him happiness and peace. Nandini was his best friend, and he would do anything for her, in the same way as she would for him.

Harsh: Manik... Manik!
Harsh called him out making him snap out of his thoughts as he saw his father on his side exercising on another Machine.

Harsh: Where are u lost?

Manik: Oh nothing dad.... Just thinking. U were saying something?

Harsh: Yes.... I asked did u talk to Nandini about the honeymoon?

Manik: No.... Didn't get a chance yet. It was quite late by the time everyone left and she seemed quite tired so I let it drop.

Harsh: Its ohk! Just talk to her about the exact date of her event and then we can plan ur trip.

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