Part 38

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Nyonika: No... Not these!! I want everything to be matching. It should look right out of a dream.
Nyonika said rejecting a few ideas which Navya showed her.

Navya: Don't worry aunty! This is gonna be a day which would be remembered by each and everyone, I promise.

Nyonika: That's the spirit!! By the way, before I forget, I wanted to Thank u Navya.... For helping me with all this planning thing, otherwise if it was up to Manik he would hv not even let me prepare anything and got married today itself.

Manik: Did I just hear my name being called out!
Manik asked as he entered the house after work. It was Monday, the day after the Kapoor's party and finally Nyonika got time to kick start the preparations.

Nyonika: Yes... On how less time u hv given me to prepare for the wedding.

Manik: Come on Mom..... I know u aren't really complaining!

Nyonika simply shook her head at him with a smile before Manik settled took a seat next to her.
Nyonika: Manik.... What do u think? We are deciding the theme for the reception.

Manik: Whatever u want Mom.... I don't understand all this stuff.
Manik replied waving his hand off the topic.

Nyonika: Ohk... If not for urself, which one do u think Nandini would like!

Manik looked up at her words and nodded softly,
Manik: Anything simple yet beautiful! Nothing much fancy or glittery. Her choice is more of elegant I think...

Nyonika smiled at his words, his knowledge about her choice made her much more happier than she was.

Nyonika: Excellent.... Navya lets final this one! I m sure Nandini is gonna love it and everyone else too will like this.

Navya: Great... And I m sure this will suit the venue as well.

Nyonika nodded at her and looked down writing something up on her list when Manik spoke up,
Manik: Anyways... I m going to freshen up! Navya, why don't u finish this off by then before we head out to Aliya's.

Navya: Sure!

Nyonika: Aliya's place? Anything special....

Manik: Yeah... Nandini wants-
Manik started but then stopped in between as his eyes fell over Navya. None of his friends knew about the real equation between Nandini and her family. And he didn't wanna open it up until she doesn't.

Manik: I... I mean No! Just casually.

Nyonika immediately knew that he was lying but still didn't say anything to him. She simple nodded at him before turning towards Navya again.

Manik gave off a proud smile to her as he walked straight up to his room.

His family and friends were the most important part of his life and having all of them approve of the person he has decided to marry was something he really wished to have. And not just approve, they even loved her. He really couldn't hv asked for more.

His phone rang making him stop on his way as he picked it up to see Nandini's call.

Manik: Hello!

Nandini: What do u think, Would they really be angry?

Manik: What??

Nandini: Uncle-Aunty.... Aliya's parents! I hv intentionally not met them after coming from London Manik. Last I remember he said he had nothing to do with my mother.
She said hurriedly, her voice showing nervousness making Manik smile.

Manik: Nandini..... Relax!! He might hold something against his sister, but u r no where at fault here so chill.

Nandini: I m nervous Manik.

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