Part 58

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Nandini: Morning guys!
Nandini wished out loud as Manan walked out of the cabin towards the shade in front where the breakfast was arranged for everyone.

Kyle: Good morning..... Come on eat up we have to hurry.

Manik: Where is the fire?
Manik asked amused at his excitement as they took their seats.

Becca: On Kyle's Ass.... He just can't control his excitement. We are all going for Mountain Climbing!

Nandini: Woah... That's a great start.

Kyle: See..... I told ya!
Kyle said turning towards the others as he kissed Nandini's cheek making everyone else chuckle.

They continued their breakfast with that and soon they were all on their way towards the site for the said adventure sport. The route was through the forest so they decided to trek till there instead of taking the safari. Having light backpacks filled with necessities and food they started their day.

Manik saw Nandini walking a bit behind him with Ronnie and wished to talk to her. He didn't get a proper turn to talk to her after the incident that morning and just wanted to get a few minutes alone with her to know that things were actually Okay between the two of them. He reduced his pace trying to catch up with her and soon was right next to the gossiping girls and panted

Manik: Hey do u have water?

Nandini: Yes yes... One sec!
Nandini replied to him as she took out a bottle from her bag and handed it over to him. Manik took a few sips before tightening the cap and returning it to her.

Nandini: Better?
Nandini asked concerned.

Manik: Yeah...

Ronnie: Chill Nandini.... He seems fine, he just needed water.

Nandini looked at Manik once more trying to make sure he was fine before she nodded and started walking again.

Ronnie: By the way Manik... Is she always like this with everyone?

Nandini: Like What?

Ronnie: I asked him....
Ronnie said rolling her eyes but still continued,
Ronnie: Like this... Too much caring and all!

Manik: Yeah.. Pity much the same, though the range may be a tad bit more or less for a few special ones. Like for her brother as an example.

Ronnie: Or for You!
Ronnie stated with a shrug as she chuckled when she heard Kyle call out for her. She rushed ahead to meet up to him while Manik sighed finally having Nandini to himself.

Nandini: I know I m not like that, right?

Manik smiled at her before shaking his head,
Manik: U are.... And believe it or not, I find it quite endearing.

A slight blush crept onto Nandini's face as she looked down, letting her hair hide her reddened face from him. Manik jumped off a pile on the ground before turning around and forwarding his hand to help her. Nandini held his hand firm, and jumped down as they continued, this time in silence with her hand resting in the warmth of his fingers which continued to make simple patterns on palm.

They reached the camp side soon, as they were joined by a few more people along with the instructors.

Instructor: Okay so, these are the jackets u all have to wear, strap it up real tight as it will be supporting ur harness while u climb up that rock mountain. There is another camp site prepared at the top of it, so once u all are there, u can spend a few hours up there with the amazing view and chill. But just make sure to start descending down before sunset. Any help u need we are here at ur service.

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