Part 27

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Agreeing to the staying arrangements, Manik closed the door and went on to turn on the fan but sighed when it didn't work.

Manik: I guess, he forgot to turn on the power connection. U stay here, I'll be back!

Nandini nodded at him watching him walk away closing the door behind him.

Manik returned back 10 minutes later, to find the place empty,
Manik: Nandini!!!

Nandini: In here...
Came here voice from the washroom calming him down. He got to some work waiting for her. Nandini returned back a few minutes later, freshly bathed when Manik gawked at her seeing her wearing his clothes.

Nandini: Don't look at me like that! What was I supposed to wear if not ur clothes? By the way, I m not returned this T-shirt, I like this....
Nandini said looking down at her clothes.

She was wearing a cotton black casual Tom n Jerry Tee, which she had tied in a knot around her waist along with his shorts which reached her knees somehow.

Manik shook his head at her craziness and got back to what he was doing but Nandini still caught a small smile playing on his lips. She smiled at it and then noticed him garnishing the two plates that he laid in front of him on the platform.

Nandini: U made sandwiches!!

Manik: Yup... I thought u would be hungry and might wanna grab a bite before crashing.

Nandini smiled broadly at him and picked up both the plates as they settled down on the couch eating it.

Nandini: Can I ask something?
Nandini asked him slowly and then continued when he nodded.

Nandini: U said u never attend the pooja back home, and u also known this place.... Do u come here every year??

Manik looked up at her and nodded slightly.

Nandini: Does anyone know?
She asked again earning a simple shaking head in a No.

Nandini nodded at him, ending the conversation as they finished their sandwiches. Manik got up dropping his plate into the sink when he turned towards her.

Manik: Nandini, u sure u r not taking up the bed. It will be more comfortable!

Nandini: Not that topic Again Manik....
Nandini groaned putting her plate along with his before lying on couch.

Nandini: This couch is too big to fit me and too small to fit u! Now can u plz pull over the curtains a bit so that I can catch some sleep.

Manik smiled at her and pulled over the curtains before taking up his clothes as he went to freshen up. He moved up towards the bed and lied down before looking back towards Nandini who was sleeping peacefully by then. He got up again and moved towards her as he softly lifted up her head, placing a pillow there. He wrapped a duvet over her comfortably before moving back as he slept.

A few hours later, Manik woke up with a small nudge on his side. He opened up his eyes slightly to find Nandini leaning down in front of him.

Nandini: I m sry to disturb u, I just wanted to say, I m going out for some time and I m taking the car along.... U go back to sleep ohk, don't worry for me!

He suddenly got alerted by her words and willed to stand up only to have been pushed back as Nandini kept her hands on his shoulder.
Manik: Going... Where?

Nandini: Shh... Just sleep ohk, I knw u r tired. I m just going out to buy some necessary stuff, clothes and all. I'll be back soon....

Manik: Are u sure, U'll be fine alone?

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